My opinion on the new 'rush lanes' system.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EagleGuardian, May 29, 2013.

  1. Paisty

    That rush of air you heard, was the point going over your head.
  2. Paisty

    Actually before the Lettuce system changes on April 4th, there was a huge advantage in taking the territory around a base the enemy was trying to capture. But they removed the influence system to set up for the Lettuce system.

    Now you come here and call it a flaw in the hex. People need to get their heads out of thier ***** and pay attention to how the game got this bad.

    It was the lettuce system changes!
    • Up x 1
  3. Nocturnal7x

    Not really. With Hexes the forces were more spread out, so even a large fight was smaller in most cases compared to what we see now. Rarely did zergs ever meet, now they meed regularly. This is why lattice is epic. Larger fights than ive seen since launch, and every night. Also, now people are actually defending, unlike with hexes, if one side gets wrecked they would completely leave, go to the other side of the map. Now I usually see them leave and go to the next base in line to defend, Ive seen a lot of back n forths.

    One side attacks, fails has to fall back, the other faction moves in for an attack, if fended off and the cycle continues. This never happened with hexes.
  4. EagleGuardian

    Let's not derail the discussion, people. The main discussion point here is: the doubt of the pro-arguments of the 'rush lanes'-system.

    Also, a note in general: I don't dislike the positive effects of the rush lanes per se, I mainly dislike what I consider restrictions put in place by the rush lanes system that could be avoided by its alternatives.
  5. UberBonisseur

    I don't deny Lettuce created "big" fights.

    I'm saying that those fights did exist previously, and that bigger is not necessarily better, as in offering quality.
    Too often fights devolved into a senseless back and forth; not dominated by tactics, rather than one side having access to MBTs and the others not.
    Crossroads <=> Broken arch <=> Tawrich acts like this.

    Recently, it felt like being caught in a tide of grey goo.
    A blob of stupidity, of players piling up tanks in line on a bridge, getting pushed back, until the other faction does the exact same mistake they've exploited 5 minutes ago (I've seen it live.)
  6. Boomotang

    Ghost Capping:
    The lattice doesn't prevent ghost capping. It reduces it to manageable levels and makes countering it not incredibly annoying. Of course there are other ways to fix the problem. There's ALWAY MANY different ways to fix any problem.

    The lattice is a far better foundation for supply lines to be redone and made MEANINGFUL in the future. Bases should have to be capped in accordance to supply lines. It makes SENSE.

    Epic Battles:
    If a products main draw is it's ability to have epic battles, then NO, they should not happen "occasionally". That's like saying that a coffee shop should have easier access to hamburgers than coffee. The ratio of big battles to small battles should be 6 to 4, or 7 to 3, not the other way around.

    Your whole argument against people's argument for tactics, isn't even about tactics! "This is only tactical on a micro level, however" That's what tactics are! Micro level coordination. This is an FPS with strategic elements. Not a strategy game with FPS and tactical elements. All FPS games (especially team based ones) focus heavily on tactics, because in order to play an FPS you have to make tactical decisions for everything that you do on the fly. Lattice has made tactical thinking more important than strategical thinking, which is much more fun for the majority in an FPS.
    • Up x 1
  7. axiom537

    Different issue completely and utterly irrelevant to this discussion, other then you may be able to argue that the lattice system has made that sunderer more valuable, but that would be highly debatable, since they are so easy acquire.
  8. axiom537

    That was rarely an issue and in all the bases I have defended under the hex system I can't think of one time that ever played a part in my decision making process. Most of the facilities that can be adequately defended for any significant time frame, allowed access to most of the vehicles anyways and resources are never an issue.
  9. UberBonisseur

    Just saying that more than Hex or Lettuce, the biggest flaw in flow is here at the core of spawning mechanics, and that within a certain distance/travel time of the control point, defense from inside was impossible as in you can't push out until someone hits the "Cheese" button.

    This will become even more obvious in the Lettuce; either the issue is going to be so blatant it will be fixed, either we're going for endless stalemates. It's important enough to be brought up.
  10. Boomotang

    Restrictions are what make life tick.

    A day has so many hours. Each season only lasts so long.

    A song is performed in a certain key, to a certain tempo, with a certain time signature.

    In football, you can't run out of bounds, and you can't start a play offside.

    In chess, the rook can only move in straight lines. The board is proportioned to the amount of pieces. If it was twice as big with the same amount of pieces, it would suck. Essentially, the lattice has reduced the board. Bigger board in chess = more/too many options. Hex = more/too many options.

    In wars, you can't capture a base or territory without a supply line. Why? Because they need supplies and people to function!

    In PlanetSide 2. You can't capture territories in circles. Big improvement to the previous chaos.
  11. Boomotang

    The hex system with influence did indeed give a huge advantage to the attackers. It gave all the advantages to the attackers. If the attackers have all the advantages, then why bother playing defence? It's impossible!

    The lattice gives an advantage to attackers once they capture a territory which then forks off in two directions. An advantage that ALWAYS belonged to the attackers before. The hex didn't have bottlenecks, which are defenders' primary strategic and tactical tool.
  12. axiom537

    Huge Advantage? Really? The attackers got a reduced timer for capturing a base, AFTER they had already secured the capture point. The surrounding undefended territory they captured had no effect on their ability to defeat the defenders, other then the defenders more then likely decided to leave the fight, since even though their defense of that base had been successful, it ended up costing them additional territory and realized they needed to abandon the base.

    So the decision to defend the base was a lose lose situation. They defended the base and lost additional territory, and they eventually lost the base anyways, because they couldn't afford to lose more territory.
  13. Paisty

    Yeah a cap time going from 6 minutes to 20 + minutes(or even uncappable to attackers) in a biolab or most other objectives is a huge advantage, wether your attacking or defending.

    See heres the thing, from where I sit it's pretty clear the pro-Lettuce people just want to defend/camp in a good spot and wait till the enemy comes. You do not want any options that might allow someone or a group of someones being able to avoid your defensive position.

    Anything that might interfere with your farming that single place needs to be removed, and the other guys must do exactly what you wish them too.

    Thats how the majority of posts from the pro-lettuce people come off.

    Get over yourselves, and your dreams of unbroken lines of noobs running into your line of fire.

    When you get what you want, there will be no one else here attacking, then you'll cry even more.
  14. IamDH

    1- Yes it is a byproduct and hex could have done it too
    I agree there
    2-You do not have to fight them all the time, simply go to your map and look for 1-12 enemies and 1-12allies spotted
    it won't turn into a large zerg
    3- I wouldn't favour "tacticallity" (won't call it ghostcapping although thats what i see it as) over the large battles we have now
    Yes lattice has forced you down a road, small squads can still flank the enemy within the base (just go around). I consider this form of tacticallity just running away and avoiding enemies which is also known as ______ (you already know)
    No matter how much tweaks the hex gets, it won't get the battles we have now