My name reserved

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by bigcracker, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Bonga

    have same problem
  2. nutter

    Same problem here.
  3. Deathbane

    In before there are alot of Murkon1 Catachan1s because SOE have modified namestealers names so we can acquire our own :p

    Boy, they are going to be pissed.
  4. Zerotrigger

    yea seriously, and now im starting to feel like alpha squad was a mistake also.
  5. Zerotrigger

    i really think its some kinda buggy **** i dont think anyone actually took our names, i think there just locked and for some reasson there locked to use also.
  6. Deathbane

    Distinct possibility, that would be the prefered scenario
  7. GodsGunman

    I am having the same issue. I reserved my name "GodsGunman" and now it is saying "That Name is Unavailable" when I try to create a character with it. No I did not create any other characters at all since Beta.

    My name isn't even very common so I doubt somebody stole it.

    One side note that might be related to this problem; when I first start up the launcher it shows I'm logged in with my station username and a logout link beside it. If I click the logout link, my station username stays in the same place, but the logout link turns to a "create new account" link.
  8. Zerotrigger

    just wondering when did you guys buy alpha squad because i bought it on the last day,

    And did anyone get a email confirming there character name reservation, because i did not and i heard other people did
  9. Angryshooter

    i bought alpha squad on october 23rd, and i also got the e-mail saying that my name waas reserved.
  10. GodsGunman

    I bought Alpha Squad around the 14th of October.

    I just checked my email and found something interesting that may or may not be a part of the reason I can't use my name:

    I got an email on the 17th of november from SOE stating the name I tried reserving (GodsGunman) doesn't comply with the naming conventions so I'd have to choose a new name. I then got another email on the 19th of November (yesterday), stating they were wrong and it actually does comply with the naming conventions, so I can still use it.

    But it still says it's unavailable?
  11. Cross

    They may still be reserved, but for whatever reason glitched. I was one of the first ones in and while I got the name I reserved, I immediately afterward checked to see if my friends' names were available (they had reserved them through Alpha Squad and aren't that common of names) and they each said unavailable even though they haven't created characters yet.

    So you may be in luck, try submitting a ticket but good luck with wait times.
  12. Catachan

    I bought Alpha Squad when it first became available.
  13. bigcracker

    Just made a different account hopefully the will change my name for me later since i did buy the game and reserved my name.
  14. Tobias

    I managed to get the name I reserved and my alpha squad unlocks fine. Bought alpha squad on the last day.
  15. Angryshooter

    we need some tech support over here!
  16. Zerotrigger

    So frustrated im done trying to contact soe. Guess were all just gonna have to wait. :(
  17. Angryshooter

    yea i know, it may not amount to much, but i just tweeted Smedley about this, all i can do is hope now, meanwhile i guess ill go play a game who actually is not frustrating me.
  18. Zerotrigger

    yea i tweeted him earlier and got nothing, tweeted the ps2 page and they told me to contact soe support, which i already had and heard nothing back from.
  19. Mutato SOE

    If you reserved your name with the Alpha Squad package you can contact support at and get a quick answer and help. There is an issue where some names that were reserved are not working as the name filter is blocking them. But we can help you out no problem.

    Brad "Mutato" Wilcox
    Twitter: @thegreatmutato
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  20. Spartan67

    I am also having the same problem. Already spent some of my Credits on certs under 'alternate' name I had to choose. Guess I won't be getting those weapons under the name I reserved IF it's still available later.