"Must unlock weapon".

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Syllabear, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. Syllabear

    I bought an AP for my vanguard and can't buy any upgrade because it says "must unlock weapon".


    As you can see i got that equiped, but it says "must unlock weapon". Kinda ironic.
  2. Syllabear

    How do i fix that? It took me long to farm those certs to unlock that weapon and i want to use it... any fix for this please?
  3. FateJH

    Though I can see how many certs you currently have, let me still ask to make certain: you didn't accidentally trial the weapon, right?
  4. Syllabear

    Nope, i bought it...

    And i couldnt reset my certs because of a bug. Never given a chance to reset them again.
  5. Pelojian

    i thought of that also, but for that to have happened he'd have to have spent 940 certs at least on something else to have hsi certs so low.
  6. Syllabear

    So how do i fix this?

    Ok, gg then. Fu king wasting my time here with these bugs, going underground and c4. Fu k this **** already.
    I hope cheaters take all over the game.
  7. Eternaloptimist

    You've tried sending a support ticket to DBG haven't you?
  8. Steza

    that escalated quickly, I've had that happen to my infantry guns after logging out and back in it came up saying I could purchase upgrades. If that doesn't work just submit a support ticket and wait it out, sucks but no other way I know that might help you.
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  9. customer548

    Try to use the repair tool.
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  10. Syllabear

  11. Syllabear

    BUMP i still have the same problem.

    Will be this ever fixed???
  12. Syllabear

  13. Diggsano

    Maybe you should unlock the right Weapon?
  14. Syllabear

    Are you serious??? I unlocked ap for my vanguard that costed me some serious certs and i cant unlock its mods because of tittle message... its been a month that ive contacted support and nothing been done... holy **** man.

    And is not only with this weapon.
  15. SpectralAndroid

    the fact that support dont even want to help out pretty much makes me hate this game again
    like what in the actual **** do they want customers or not ?
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  16. ObiVanuKenobi

  17. VinBenzin

    Try to go VR training and unequip/equip AP on vanguard here. And also can try to buy upgrades on VR.
  18. VinBenzin

    Also if game think that weapon still not bought, you should be able to take it in tral. In trial mode you can buy upgrades (i have bought scope to pistol in trial, it works)

    Game support here is real cr@p
  19. AxiomInsanity87

    1000 dbc is needed for a reply

    A further 500 to read reply

    Please buy 501 dbc to stop receiving marketing calls.
  20. Syllabear

    It does not work. I can equip mods but i cant buy them.
    Heck man...