[MUSIC VIDEO] A Dubstep Tribute to Vanu

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by come1l, Jan 13, 2014.

  1. come1l

    The song fits Vanu so much that it's my destiny to make this video even though I'm a TR.

    Have a good night!
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  2. come1l

  3. come1l

    Im talking to myself hahahahahahhahahaha
  4. DeadlyShoe

  5. HellionX

    JENK has used this song in various forms for probably 10 recruitment videos. We have been using it for a long time.
  6. Boildown

    I don't like dubstep much, although I don't dislike it with passion as I did a couple years ago. But whenever its used in a Vanu video, it just fits. This video is good.
  7. NedNedley

    That's not dubstep, that's electro house. Cool though.
  8. Maelthra

    You put dubstep in the title, which instantly obliterated any chance of me caring to watch the video.
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  9. come1l

    I'm too loyal to TR to know about dat.
  10. VoidMagic

    Evolve or die.