SOE need to make it so only paying members can have characters from different factions on each server. Free-to-play can create a faction, but must delete that character in order to try another, or become paying members.
Why? Thats unnecessary and most alot of non-paying members already have multiple factions on one server. Should they get deleted? Is this a anti 4th faction thread?
Ummm... why? Many servers are tied to geographical location, which in turn can affect connection speed and responsiveness. Why should I have to connect to an East Coast server if I live on the West Coast and want to play on another faction?
Just trying to get more value for my $14.99 a month. Plus free-to-play isn't charity, supposed to be a free introduction and if you like it, you start paying. You can afford the cellphone and the computer, but $14.99 a month is too much?
Not all non-members are non-paying players. Many people (like me) are not members but do support this game by purchasing SC. In cosmetics alone I have over $100 worth of stuff. That's about the same as 6 months of membership. So yes, I have been paying. And even if I were not paying, it wouldn't be good business-wise for SOE to force people to be playing on Australian servers because you want more out of your membership.
TBH, I just think we need a timer of about an hour between logs of different factions on the same server.
If players had restrictions, I would imagine less players overall. I usually jump on the lowest population faction. How many of us would be cut out of the loop if they were doing the same?
That's a bad, bad idea overall, sorry, it would never stop people to play on different factions (multi accounting) so stopping fourth factionning is not really working this way. And just making it a paying feature would not make people happy, trust me. So no multiple characters on same server (unless servers merge, as it happens soon for europe)? Yes, but for everybody.
The up-launcher is very multi-account friendly so adding your restriction to the game won't solve anything really.