Multi GPU support - SLI

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by IngamerX, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. Sliced

    I personally have not used the No Cuda trick.
    I will defo give it a try, but for now I don't really need it.
  2. destrekor

    How much of a performance hit would you say you experienced? (have you been following an FPS display?)
  3. Blade782

    fps went down a bit, but still over 70 in fights
  4. Namessar

    when SLI is disabled or 2nd card is dedicated to physx, game runs between 50-80 fps at warpgate. as soon as i enable SLI, it drops down to 20 fps at the warpgate.

    my system is 2 years old (need an upgrade soon), using latest nvdia drivers

    i7 950 running at 3.7 ghz
    6 gb oc'ed ram
    2 X 580 GTX zotac AMP edition, overclocked and at 1050v for voltage
    Asus Rampage Extreme III mainboard
  5. IngamerX

    Well I would conclude a duo then.

    I have 2 460's 1GB each. 2x 460 = about the same as a 480. Yet my SLI setup runs @ an average of 40 maybe 50% load.

    I'm not very pleased that the game is more CPU based. As we can all see the mainstreaam CPU's aren't able to offer a comfortable framerate without hardcore OC's. This is a loss for SOE and the community. Better GPU support would've offered a better solution for those who can't reach stable framerates, by being able to upgrade your GPU. The CPU's in this thread are alle pretty much up to date. Even my i7 920 is still a badass CPU for the average gamer nowadays.

    Let cross our fingers and pray for more comfortable gameplay. I still enjoy the game, but it also annoys the crap out of me whenever I have frame drops again (which happens often in crowded places where it's supposed to be most fun).
  6. Jpump145

    My cards never go over 65% utilization, except on the character select screen where I see 98%. I see 150+ FPS in Warpgates, about 70-90 FPS in small fights and 29-49 FPS in large fights. All of those numbers are on High @ 1920x1080. The load on both cards is relatively the same, within 3-5% of each other. The game is totally playable for me, outside of large battles. I can't deal with the low FPS in CQC. It ruins my aim horribly. I'm used to playing every FPS I've ever played at 60+ FPS, and it's miserable playing this game in large battles. Hopefully these "optimizations" coming in January do something.

    I've messed around with RenderQuality in the .ini file a couple of times too. I've tried out 2.0 and I get 60 FPS in Warpgates. I didn't even try to venture outside of the Warpgate with it set that high. I'll try out 1.41 and see if it works my cards any harder.
  7. Mansen

    Until PhysX actually is re-enabled you might as well run SLI.