Dunno if I'm the only one that gets this, never seen it mentioned before but.... Mouse sensitivity is very inconsistent across various parts of PS2. Best examples I can think of are Sunderer Guns, Galaxy Guns and Engineer Turrets (I've never gunned a lib or MBT btw, but they may well have the same issue). The mouse sensitivity while using these is about 3-4 times higher than everything else in the game for me, making them highly unpleasant to use. It's like the mouse sensitivity setting isn't affecting these weapons. Maybe this isn't an issue for other people because they use default sensitivity in-game, but I have mine set down to 14. My mouse is a Logitech MX518 1600dpi. Anyone else get this? And would the devs please look into it. Thanks
We've complained about this since early beta - not even an acknowledgement or a response. We asked, nay pleaded that they'd make turret sensitivity on par with "infantry" and that the turret itself would have to "catch" up to the camera with its limited turning range. Same with vehicles. But no - not a word. Logitech G9x - DPI over nine thousaaaaaaaaaaaand (no, not really - but I have it very high for maximum precision)
It isn't just your problem. It's a problem with the game itself. The sensitivities of some objects (like sunderer guns or engineer turrets, as you said) are really high while others (like aiming down the sights) are really low. You'd think that, for an FPS game, they'd actually make all the sensitivities consistent in order to not **** up with your muscle memory. But no...
Did you all check your settings? Because you can independantly change sensitivity for several classes of view: Infantry(normal), Scoped(includes iron sights), Vehicle(includes turrets), and Air Vehicle. iirc. That said, some items, like certain turrets, are meant to move slower; it's part of the game mechanics.
Yeah got the same issue, I think we all do actually. Luckily I can change my mouse sensitivity with a button on my mouse but I'd prefer not to use that button .
Scoped does not include iron sights. That's my biggest gripe, I don't like change in sensitivity in anything, just allow me to have the same sensitivity for everything. Now I just hipfire everything.
That is very debatable - The suggested change of having the turret catch up to your mouse (sensitivy) has been called for many times. A change I personally agree with - I hate having to drag my mouse around for no legitimate reason. Legitimate? Yes - Because anyone who can be bothered can simply change their sensitivity on their mouse higher while in a turret and then back when they get outside. Game limitation eliminated - in other words, why have the limitation in the first place when only "legitimate" players are the ones being punished.
Yeah I'm not talking about the deliberate laggy feel of the phallanx turrets and MBT main barrels, which is supposed to simulate the hydraulics moving the turret and barrel about, that's absolutely fine. It's the little machine gun turrets that have the problem, and that the sensitivity is way too high. It's not a laggy feeling, those turrets all respond instantly just like your infantry weapon, it's just like someone turned your in-game sensitivity from 20 up to 80 while using them. It's one of the reasons I never use the engineers turret, it feels horrible. My guess is the code for them was rushed and they just forgot to include mouse sensitivity in the algorithm. These things happen in crunch time I guess. I also have on-the-fly dpi adjust, so I guess I'll try that for now. I'm pretty sure none of the other sliders will fix this btw, the vehicle ones are for driving/flying, but I will check just in case. Anyway, bumping this so hopefully a staff member can look into it.
Right, had a little play with the sliders, and... Yes the vehicle slider does affect vehicle turrets, it also affects the mouse look sensitivity when driving a sunderer. The problem is if I turn that down then the MBT and Lightning barrels turn much slower. All these various pieces of equipment (MBT barrel, MBT turret, Sunderer turret, Lightning barrel) are controlled by one slider but the sensitivity isn't matched across them. Same deal with the aircraft slider, it also affects how the ESFs actually fly on the mouse, so while it probably does affect Galaxy/Lib turrets (I actually didn't test this but I'm assuming it does) the aircraft become impossible to fly if you turn it down. And the Engineers Turret, I couldn't find anything apart from the overall sensitivity that affects this, scoped sensitivity does not affect it. So there's no solution there apart from using my dpi buttons on my mouse, which are really awkward to press. I think the devs need to look at the sensitivity of each of these turrets.