Most dangerous place on Auraxis....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vikingo, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. Vikingo

    The warpgate!

    I have been teamkilled so many times in it that it's rediculous. AFKing in the warpgate now is certain death.

    What evil, chaos loving dev cooked up this hellish change?!
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  2. Chicken Wings

    It was the only quick solution to the invulnerability bug that was being horrifically abused.
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  3. TorigomaSET

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  4. AzureKnight

    The ones who realized it was the only way to stop the bug that made players and vehicles invulnerable...
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  5. Kumaro

    It was a quick solution to the immortality bug that was a big problem
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  6. Pikachu

    I have not jeen killed feven a single time. In kot sure if I gavf even takeb dqmage there, excepr frlom my lwn lijerahyor. Qmericqk stuff qgain....
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  7. Chicken Wings

    Pikachu! Come back! You're reverting to Swedish!
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  8. Flashtirade

    We Mad Max now?
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  9. AltF4Fun

    Actually the whole terrain is dangerous.Especially these darn trees.Most scary thing,even for my tanks.
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  10. Vikingo

    Yeah I saw it after I did this post.

    Well Cobalt hasnt been so bad, I experienced civil wars on other servers though
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  11. NinjaTurtle

    Right let's take bets:

    1) Having a good time with Pika-beers

    2) Has touch screen phone but Pikachu's thumbs are too fat to hit the intended butttons

    3) Or as Chicken Wings suggests Pikachu is learning Swedish
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  12. Prudentia

    It has been proven that the current running trough Pikachu interfers with the touchscreen technology of Smartphones leading to alot of button presses that arent actually happening (has absolutly nothing to do with not hitting buttons correctly and beeing to lazy to use the return key)
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  13. IamDH

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  14. Chicken Wings

    He's actually from Sweden!:D
  15. z1967

    *Pikachu is evolving!
    *Pikachu is turning into... A drunk swede using a mobile device?
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  16. deggy

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  17. Stellus

    The most dangerous place on Auraxis is riding an ATV on anything that isn't a perfectly flat road. Pebbles and slight inclines ensures a timely demise.
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  18. JudgeNu

    It is spelled ridiculous*
    Thread is wasted cyberink.
  19. Niller

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  20. JudgeNu

    I would choose another language such as Jibbernese
    I have heard Swedish speak on TS3 more fluent English than a Professor at some college.
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