Most Annoying things about PS2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Andy04, Jun 27, 2019.

  1. Andy04

    Here is a list of things that make the game really annoying to play, You can list yours in the comments below.

    1. Way too many bases on a contenent with 3 faction fighting over them and always end up in 2ways or stalmates in certain places. Map looks like a Noodle Mess to look at and capturing bases means nothing really, it will be capt right bag when the over pop comes back though POINTLESS PROGRESSION (would it be hard to open up a near empty land with more space for building and vehicals to play on ? )
    2. Biolab fights seem to be happening all the damn time when logging in, Almost everytime... Tired of that boring farm.
    3. Servers are terrible
    4. Team killing is just horrible and seems to happen way too much, Get killed more by the allies than the enimies.
    5. Squads are useless with no organisation and verbal rows happening in command chats all the time NOT FUN
    6. Latency..... Getting shot when moving into cover behind a wall and dieing behind said wall, happens way too much.
    7. Pooly designed bases for soo many players, Whats the point having all these bases and just ending up being in the same double stack building every damn time.
    8. way too easy for Vehicals to farm into bases air and ground ruins the fun way to fast.
    9. Cheaters and people taking advantage of poorly designed areas, lettinng them get under the map and kill all they see. Seems to be a hell of a lot more these days than there was before, I've noticed loads of shooting through walls going on also.
    10. We Zerg one lane , Then they Zerg another lane, Our Zerg meets their zerg Fight lasts 4 hours over a biolab in a lane YAY! great fun, WHy are there multiple Biolabs on a continent anyways POINTLESS!
    11. The flash needs some loving feels like you are driving a shopping trolly through the rough lol
    12. Instant headshot from nowhere.... Even when they are not looking they manage to get a headshot off before even fully turned to your direction... Miracle players!
    13. Map looks like a Noodle Mess to look at and capturing bases means nothing really, it will be capt right back when the over pop comes back though POINTLESS PROGRESSION.
    14. The water guns and balloons..... YAY holiday time lets give them all water pistols and water balloons oh and also here is a NS Grenade launcher.... lol
    15. Poorly made terrain that is always awkward as fudge to stagger jump along even if it's not that steep of a climb.
    16. Spawns, No idea what you are thinking with the spawns now but they need work.... Specially the player based spawns ie Sundy as they are far far far to easily taken out by 1-2 people or 1 harrasser.
    17. The triggered events with Zerg happy clans dominating every fight... even the ariel one is no fun at all
    18. having to capture bases via the point system, Surely you all can get together and come up with something a bit more unique than that by now ?
    19. Spawn becons replacing other squad becons when deployed ooooo Frustrating as **** in publics, Just let them all deploy!
    20. The cost to be able to build structures, What are you people thinking ? the grind for 2k certs a time aint going to happen.
  2. TRspy007

    We do need a new territory capture mechanic, the one cyrious suggested actually might work pretty well.

    I'll admit it is annoying when you spend 20 minutes placing the best beacon just so a noob can place his in the ****iest location, so letting squad leaders decide if a beacon should be replaced is better. Something kinda like "Let dickhead69 place his beacon in front the enemy spawn Y or N" just so idiots don't go around wasting people's efforts.

    Ground to air and air to ground is simply in a poor unbalanced state, the flash needs some buffs.

    Terrain is annoying is some places, and some bases repetitive (construction bases on hossin for example)

    Overall the game is in a sorry state and needs some love.

    Would love to get flex servers and some new lure and progression.
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  3. That_One_Kane_Guy

    You seem to be a bit confused about what you want here, some of your points are outright contradictory. On the one hand you complain about vehicles ruining fights, but then you say we need more open ground (the only place in this game where vehicles dominate) and less Biolab fights (the bases where vehicles have the least impact).

    Huge, three-faction fights are this game's bread and butter. Complaining about them would be like complaining about the gun mechanics in Counterstrike.

    I can't say I honestly get your complaints about the Holiday Events or the addition of new guns, though. Getting new content is always a good thing, especially for a game that's seven years old. Is is sometimes goofy? Yes, but then again this game isn't exactly serious to begin with.

    Not going to argue about the servers, a great amount of my frustrations in this game are network related. I see a noticeable change in hit registration depending on the number of high-ping players present. Sometimes I feel like every bullet lands perfectly, other times it feels like I'm playing HALO while everyone else is playing COD. I honestly feel like a lot of the complaints you here can be attributed to the network rather than any more sinister issues.

    Probably my biggest pet peeve is getting run over by friendly vehicles. More specifically, friendly vehicles that are being stupid. I get being TK-ed because you ran in front of a Sundy like a moron, or if a friendly is desperately backing their low-health MBT away from a fight and you just got unlucky. Those things happen. The ones that grind my gears are the ones who don't even try, mainly Harassers happily bowling over friendlies as they try getting to places where normally only infantry can get.
  4. Savadrin


    I used to hear about it from my friends when I would get drunk and drive the harasser for them. They were like BRUH do you have any idea how many friendly MAXes you roadkilled last night? (I didn't)

    I usually try to avoid infantry to the extent it's physically possible. Sometimes it just isn't in the cards.

    Can I take a moment to tell you about the bane of MY existence - the mindless sundy driver who explodes me and my gunner with regularity.
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  5. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Too true. At the end of the day I just keep in mind that it's a free-to-play, casual shooter from 2012 with rather average connection quality. In the heat of the moment I'll probably be pissed, but respawning takes all of 4 seconds and at the end of the day it really doesn't matter.

    I didn't know vehicles could roadkill other vehicles. Your description conjures an amusing image.
  6. Savadrin

    Oh yes, yes they can. And you get a ramming bonus to exp for doing it :D
  7. HelioUSP

    Let's see.

    1 Invisible snipers. Especially now that they can shoot before full visibility +smgs. Nub idea in the first place, now made worse.
    2 Script-kitties.
    3 Tinkerbelles with auto shotties and C-4.
    4 All vehicles vs infantry. Vehicles should complement, not dominate.
    5 Claymore's, bouncing betty's et al. Cheap bs that should never be in any fps games.
    6 The sometimes it works and sometimes you throw your mouse netcoding.
    7 ExplosionSide gameplay ...

    I've often wondered if DBG hired that idiot Demize99 from the Battlefield series. Nub turned the BF series into a total joke trying to level the playing field.

    After all that, there's more things I like about PS2 than hate, or I wouldn't have just re-upped my subscription. PS2 is still well above the latest BattleFaileds. Although, that's not a very high bar.
  8. Towie

    Speaking on behalf of Cobalt.

    1. Majordope
    2. (see item 1)
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  9. Skraggz

    As I read through the lists I keep asking myself why do they play if they just want another shooter.....

    Welcome to Planetside.
    • Up x 1
  10. Twin Suns

    If Activision or EA bought DBG, I'd definitely delete my character and I wouldn't look back.

  11. Savadrin

    Why does everyone keep saying this? It's "Script Kiddies" and always has been.
  12. HelioUSP

    Cuz I like "kitties" better? It's closer to what I actually think of them.
  13. HelioUSP

    "Yeah, those guys should go play COD, this is Planetside!"
    ".... this is BF1"
    "... this is BF4"
    "... this is Titanfall"
    "... this is BF3"
    "... this is BFBC2"
    "... this is QuakeWars"
    "... this is Halo"

    Okay, so not the Halo quote. Yeah, I hate when somebody says "I don't like the -whatever- in this game." What the hell's wrong with 'em? Don't they know this is -whatever game-?
  14. vonRichtschuetz

    For me the game runs fine almost 100% of the time. Maybe a lag spike once a day, usually not at all. FPS is around 80-120 most of the time with everything turned up except motion blur. Maybe once a weekend stutter for 5 seconds. So the stuff that's annoying is mostly balance stuff.
    - Swarms of repair Galaxies are basically immune to damage.
    - Liberators are too strong in some situations, also too tanky.
    - Rubbery vehicle driving.
    - Often can't do roadkills even when driving right over the enemy.
    - Get roadkilled by vehicles before they even touch me.
    - Vehicles cheesing their way to places they shouldn't be like inside bases or ridges.
    - Kobalt having way too much damage output on range. (Can work well with the point above).

    In response to OP:

    1. Problem with allowing to capture every adjacent base is, that a lot of people will try to circumvent the enemy and just capture easy bases. Also the map isn't that complicated to read.
    2. It's now possible to cut off a biolab by capturing the surrounding outposts and end the farm.
    3. 24ms msot of the time, bit higher sometimes. Highest I've seen is like 100ish in 300+ fights.
    4. I rarely get teamkilled. If it happens too often you might want to check if it's not them accidentially shooting you, but you accidentially running into their bullets.
    5. Not all squads are terrible, but you need to find the right ones (or create one). Mute command when they act up.
    6. It's mostly the same for everyone. When playing on NA servers I have far more engagements with me and the enemy both dead at the end. It's one of the downsides of client side hit detection.
    7. Play on Hossin. Base layout is different there.
    8. Depends on the base, but yeah. Most of the time there are less vehicles in smaller fights tho.
    9. I've seen roughly a dozen cheaters and 2 exploiters (or better: the effects of their exploit) since DX11 - which isn't much for a F2P game especially since I was playing almost nonstop for the double XP event. Not every person I reported for cheating because of weird behavior was actually cheating, but I'm too lazy to stalk everyone until I'm sure. No idea who the exploiters were. However, there were a handful of cheaters I was absolutely certain. And I've not seen them anymore.
    10. See 2.
    11. Agreed, flash drives weird sometimes.
    12. Most of the time that's because of the client side hit detection. Even if you don't see them look at you, they might have turned into your direction within the time since your PC received the last postion update from the server.
    13. See 1.
    14. You're neither forced to use event weapons, nor to complete the directives. You could have saved Certs for the Thumper and bought it yourself - although I've heard it's not even that good.
    15. Check what texture the terrain has. Some are way easier to climb or run up than others.
    16. Only thing I want to be able to is fall back one base from my current location to prepare defenses after losing a base, but can't because overpop. Sunderers need to be defended - mostly a matter of the size of the battle and if there are enough players willing to do it.
    17. Sadly Aerial Anomaly alert is often one-sided and depends a lot on a roughly even territory possession. Haven't had a chance to play the MAX alert, but I assume it's just zerg & spam.
    18. Agreeing on that. Doesn't have to be on every base, but would be interesting if there was something different sometimes. On the other hand the classic "hold a point" system is easy to understand and mostly does it's job.
    19. 12 beacons per squad? What could go wrong. If you want organized play, join an organized squad or create one.
    20. Construction is more or less "late game content" and a cert sink for long time players. Most buildings can be used by anyone in the squad after they're placed. Ask a friend or someone in your outfit (who has unlocked construction) if they want to build a base. We sometimes do that in my outfit.
  15. Skraggz

    Didn't say you should go play another game, I am saying if you hate so many core mechanics of the game why do you keep torturing yourself playing said game. Why must the game be changed for YOU, I don't agree with some of yours and OP's sentiments. You can voice you disapproval with the game, by all means go ahead. Still my question stands.... if some one has so many issues with core mechanics.... Why play?

    You Pointed out vehicles as an issue in a CA game.

    You Pointed out your hate for La's with shotties and C4, one class of 5 (not counting max)

    You Pointed out your hate of trip mines, which is just you not paying attention (you said all games should do away with them... )

    You Pointed out your hate for "invisible" infil. Infil being completely invisible is a bug, otherwise... you not paying attention.

    You Pointed out your assumption that many cheat or create keybinds.

    Playing another game will not help you, I wouldn't suggest it.... The rest of your points I'll leave as lag is bothersome, and im not sure what "ExplosionSide" means.
  16. HelioUSP

    Reading comprehension is a massive fail here.
    OP asked a question, I answered.
    You didn't like what I said, fine. But don't twist, embellish and flat out lie when "quoting" what I said.
  17. Skraggz

    Well then.....
  18. HelioUSP

    Well crud, I'll play too.

    "You Pointed out your hate x 3." Embellished.
    "You Pointed out your assumption that many cheat or create keybinds." Lies and misquote
    "which is just you not paying attention" I don't have to walk with my head down. Ymmv

    I get it, you think PS2 is perfect the way it is. Cool beans, man.
    Again, the OP asked what "ANNOYS" you. I answered. Your feathers got all ruffled and there's nothing I can or will do about it.
  19. OneShadowWarrior

    1. Being spawn camped, worst spawn room designs ever built.
    2. Headless players or tank canopies not rendering.
    3. The rendering distance.
    4. The particle effects are bad.
    5. Being outnumbered and there is nothing you can do about it.
    6. Not enough maps, 6 years and only 4 maps?
    7. Vehicle physics, especially when they flip over to easy or can’t climb at all.
    8. The current transition from DX9 to DX11 and all the bugs that came with it.
    9. The lack of carryover content from the first PS. Still no assault buggies, Deliverer or the variants, core combat caverns and the stuff that came with it, the bases were better, so was combat engineer and advanced combat engy, you could hack vehicle as infiltrator.
    10. No 3rd person as infantry, even 3rd person as vehicle you can’t increase or decrease the view.
    11. Wide screen view in settings with dual monitors or Ultra Wide screen monitor broken.
    12. The lack of lore or exploration to tie all this fighting together to give us the story behind Planetside.
    13. The lack of more of a variety of better attachments for weapons.
    14. Lack of control of ping times for players with high ping, punishing players with good connections.
    15. Horrid client hit detection with shots not registering with consistency.
    16. Bio labs and AMP stations, worst base designs ever.
  20. Skraggz

    You are assuming things, I take no issue with you having problems with the game. You can have opinions, as I may as well. You also assumed that I was implying that you should go play X, which is not the case. I seen where you say you like more things then not. I was originally questioning if you dislike core game features why continue to play? Honestly I'd rather you not go play something else, ps2 player base is small and your not toxic, I'd rather you stay.

    Again it's ok to dislike things, and while my second post was a LOT more aggressive, I still ask myself... why?