[Suggestion] Mortars and Artillery

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Goldmonk, Dec 28, 2014.

  1. TheMish

    Mortars are by their nature...very inaccurate.

    The chances of us getting some sort of guidance to increase accuracy is unlikely.

    I imagine it'd be a lot like using the Duster, except you have a general idea of where the enemy is, as opposed to seeing them, and aiming directly at them.

    I have an anti-vehicle turret for my Terran. I sure don't feel super safe and secure using it. I'm easy to hit, those countless troops near me don't do that much, an infiltrator, or tank can take me out quickly.

    So how would artillery, or a mortar by any harder to kill?

    A mortar? It'd be a close range weapon for sure, light assault or infiltrator, and it's gone. Mediocre threat, eliminated.
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  2. Goldmonk

    A mortar position would be super exposed: to other mortars, to snipers, to vehicles and infantry which get in range, and aircraft. A Liberator with a Dalton would tear a mortar apart
    An artillery vehicle is exposed to: MBTs and a large group of Lightnings, Rockets, C4, and aircraft.
    Neither of these would be God Mode and actually the mortar is super risky when you think about it.
  3. p10k56

    Dozens of MBT main weapon nerfs cos they were to powerful:(
    Now peoples want artillery:eek:
    Why nerf Tank cannons then:rolleyes:

    Btw Isn't Bulldog a mortar ?:cool:
  4. RIctavius

    Bulldog is a mortar. but cant arch for ****!
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  5. Goldmonk

    The MBT main weapons are still very powerful. But, artillery and MBTs will be two different classes. Artillery will be absolute **** at close range. But bombarding a base with two will be quite the threat. Also, I always considered the Bulldog a grenade launcher.
  6. p10k56

    One could be knifed by invisible evil.
    One is afraid to run over some open ground without being crush or shoot from 2m by invisible totally not OP ATV.
    But for some peoples this is not enough.
    Soon one will fear of heaven falling on his head and I am not speaking about ESF debris.
    Rather buff tanks to its former glory.
    At least I can tell what killed me or what to fear.
  7. JustBoo

    The OP seems like a nice reasonable fellow. But, sadly we all know this would only become yet another 'tool' to simply lay waste to the spawn room... coz' gotta' use up the time to base-flip somehow right?

    And think what the experience in the spawn room will be like? Hard to get people out of them now, forget about it after they've been randomly "mortified" to death repeatedly. Good try though man.
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  8. LT_Latency

    Oh even better. Now i can just die to total random chance. No one wants to die to something they can't see. They had these in BF and their were nerfed until they were useless cause everyone hated them.

    It's always the same thing, A bunch of players camping in the safest spot possible bomb the key areas of the map that other players are actually fighting for.

    Having 5 mortars bombing the key choke points, spawn points or capture points doesn't not make the game better

    That why it won't get added to the game
  9. Goldmonk

    How is this different from dying to a sniper?
    Gracias. I think an easy way to nullify making the mortar absolute hell for spawn roomers would be to decrease their splash damage and their rate of fire. Sort of like what SOE did with the PPA after everyone complained about it for centuries.
  10. Goldmonk

    1) A infiltrator can't knife while invisible. They must de-cloak first, which is pretty audible.
    2) Once again, the ATV is very audible and must de-cloak before firing.
    3) Mortar and artillery rounds will whistle while in flight, warning players of its presence.
  11. Klypto

    This won't work very well because the game tries to occlude anything you don't have direct line of sight of.
  12. TheMish

    You already get killed randomly often.

    C4 fairies dropping c4 constantly, they just hit the nearest group, they don't care about who you are.

    You got shot at random too. Unless someone for whatever reason hates you, no one is thinking "Oh there he is, lets all shoot him"

    When someone starts throwing grenades, and you get killed by one, it was totally random. The only specific thing about it, is the direction the grenade was thrown.

    On the rare occasion you're spawn room farmed. That's random. Those are just tankers spamming rounds at the spawn room doors.

    So how would this be much more different? Because it's not in your immediate view? There are many ways to expose them, a smoke trail behind the round coming out of a mortar for example.
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  13. LT_Latency

    So add MORE??? Which can be fired from farther away and from safer spots???
  14. TheMish

    Who said a mortar has to have an effective range of 400m?

    The Anti-Infantry turret in that case would be hard to deal with.

    The balancing factor is the poor accuracy, forcing the engineer to come closer, or be in a building to use it. Except a mortar in a building is stupid...you'd be hitting the ceiling.

    Artillery would be a better replacement for AV-Turrets. Because now you don't have this ridiculous, tiny guided missile firing turret. That hits hard as hell, and is accurate as hell.

    Artillery would require the same skill required in say, using a HE, HEAT, or AP gun on a Lightning. Maybe more, maybe less.
    But it's better than a point and click killing machine wouldn't you say?
  15. Goldmonk

    Mortars will have an effective range of 250 meters, making them visible to infantry. Artillery will have the same range as MBTs.
    Mortars will be less effective than C4. To get a OHK with a mortar, you have to land the mortar with in 3-5 meters of your target.
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  16. LT_Latency

    Because it doesn't matter if it accurate. If your holding a capture point and a random bomb lands on your head that sucks people don't like that.

    Or randomly losing HP cause things are slowing chipping your health off

    How does adding more of that help the game be better??
  17. Goldmonk

    How about this? Instead of the mortar being remotely controlled like BF, the operator will have to stay with the tube. Firing the mortar will also be a trial and error process. Fire a shot and miss long, you'll have to adjust the tube for a shorter shot.
  18. TheMish


    It helps factions with less numbers, beat up a horde.

    I mean first off, most capture points are indoors, or under a platform. So hitting accurately, or at all with a mortar, is unlikely.

    But it's mainly a sunderer nest killer, and a tower buster.

    I mean think about it. You're invading say...Howling Pass.

    Hundreds of your allies are swarming the base, or are at the sunderer, trying to clear out the defenses on the towers.

    Well here's the problem. Most Maxes set up on the top of the tower, beating up anyone who's coming. Snipers are up there, and it's generally REALLY hard to do anything to them. A zephyr liberator, or ESF could scatter them, but that's about it. Especially considering aircraft have piss poor survivability nowadays.

    You can't hit them with a tank, because you can't lob a shell on to the top of the tower.

    You can't lob a grenade up there with much success, chances are they'll run, or you'll most likely miss.

    You can't throw c4 up there effectively, I don't think Light Assaults can even make it up there in one burn.

    But now imagine, you have a mortar. You may not be super accurate. But you can unleash sustained fire, accurately enough to throw them off the tower, if they don't take out your mortar.

    Now imagine the opposite.

    You're a defender, and your job is to destroy either the sunderer, or break up that sunderer nest long enough for tanks and infantry to come in and finish them off.

    Well, you clearly can't hit the sunderer that often, you can't use tanks. We've already established they're not great at clearing out infantry all that much anymore.

    Aircraft, is more reliable, but still hard.

    So your choices are to outnumber the enemy with infantry, or use mortars to rain down shells on that nest, until it's impossible for the enemy to keep fighting. They'll either have to risk relocating, or they'll be destroyed by someone else.

    Deployment shields FINALLY end the reign of those stupid, worthless game breaking dicks who keep tank mine spamming, and c4 spamming sunderers.

    So now to be more effective, you need sustained fire. Mortars is that sustained firing weapon you can count on.
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  19. Champagon

    Artillery should be a team effort

    Requiring a squad of at least 2 people

    1 to "laze" (laser point) the target and the other to operate the machinery
    -Only infiltrators can carry laser pointers

    Restrict the artillery to be unable to fire unless a target has been lazed

    Artillery Unit, large bulky, LOUD, easy to spot. Poor Maneuverability but lots of torque for hill climbing

    Similar to PS1 flail with some modifications
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  20. LT_Latency

    You can't say it's going to be a weak tool that randomly does small damage for one argument. (Getting blown up randomly by something you can't see suck).

    Then switch to it's going to blow hordes of players to pieces with massive sustained fire for the next argument. Unless it does massive splash damage medics can get people up faster then it can kill them

    Go play BF rush mode. Watch what happens when 4 players mortar the objectives you need to take in that mode. Now times that by 4 or 5 cause there is more players in this game