More population imbalance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GantryPengy380, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. GantryPengy380

    Hello. Take a look at the following screenshots and tell me what you see:

    Give up? What you see is TERRAN REPUBLIC UNDERPOPULATION. Now yes, on some servers TR have the highest pop, but on most servers they have lower pop than the other two factions (VS and NC). Also, I know that there'll always be SOME imbalance with the population, but it shouldn't be THIS MASSIVE. What can we do to bring the TR higher populations? Really, the only thing we can do is spread the word about TR. How can we do this? Simple. Take lots of pictures/record videos of TR doing WHATEVER! From fighting at large bases to crazy stuff like stacking vehicles on top of each other, SPREAD THE WORD LIKE THAT. Also, word-of-mouth (or in the internet's case, word-of-type) can be effective. On that note, GO OUT THERE AND MAKE US RISE, TR!
    PS. If you have any questions, post them below