MOM it killed me, NERF IT

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Moridin6, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. Moridin6

    lots oh whining on here this week, crys to nerf some of the most avoidable weapons/tactics.

    my tank got c4d while i was tunnel visioned...wahhhhhhh

    i was chilling shelling infantry thinking i was all safe but No some mean ole LA used c4 its NOT FAIR

    then i was hiding in the point room and thought id be safe to just sit here behind the 2 maxes and 5 other guys but some CHEATER threw emp nades at us and i couldnt seeeeee mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmm . . .

    if it kills you, be smarter next time, dont cry like a btch posting for nerfs
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  2. Taemien

    Before the 90s. We were encouraged to punch the bully in the face when we got picked on.
    After the 90s. We got in trouble more for punching the bully then the bully got for provoking.

    That's the problem. And these people think that running to the devs like its the teacher in the playground will fix their problem, their problem being their own ineptitude.
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  3. ColonelChingles

    waahhh i was killed by HE spam waaaaahhhhh

    Some players seem to have a rather short memory, no?

    I take it then you'd be fine with giving tanks back their original HE cannon? Infantry should have just been smarter and not been killed by HE.
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  4. Pikachu

    Give back my old fury-f.
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  5. Hegeteus

    Pretty much this. He has been doing the same exact thing but it's just dressed up differently

    Everyone has somekinda gripe in this game but I have to agree that a lot of people tend to overreact so I kinda get the point of the thread. Although it's just another overreaction in itself
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  6. Moridin6

    i was fine with it, it was how it was and i dealt with it, tanks still got popped. im one of the people smart enough to Not spawn at the location getting HE spammed.. a short trip later and those tanks get c4(or tank mines) up the pooper
  7. Crayv

    Give me my old Fractures.
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  8. Moridin6

    before it gets said, the old ppa was broke as sht and needed a nerf, not the ball clipping it got but..

    but c4?

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  9. Azawarau

    Most of the ******** is posts like these .-.

    Especially the ones who blanket anyone who thinks something needing a change as crying
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  10. Imp C Bravo

    It's a fine and difficult line to walk.

    Weapon Effectiveness vs. Weapon Ease Of Use vs. Counter Availability vs. Counter Ease Of Use vs. Counter Effectiveness

    Sometimes a cry is fair. Sometimes it's just whining. I'm glad I don't work on a balance team.
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  11. Hegeteus

    This is why people should take more care when making threads, so they leave room for arguments, provide ideas and aren't just like: "X weapon is OP: Once I was sitting on a hill and died to weapon X..."

    Then there are threads like this that just make things worse. With all things considered, it's not a wonder that the balance side of this game has been stale for a long while
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  12. Rikkit

    you forgot the "mean stalker shot me while i was pulling my vehicle to farm more infantery"
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  13. Hegeteus

    Can you link me to such a thread or post that was made recently?

    When it comes to infantry and vehicles I'm not taking sides and right now it seems that people who prefer infantry are doing most of the crying. People are now just putting words to vehicle users' mouths since there's not much actual material to go with.

    I absolutely hate when people make posts/threads like these, posting imaginary and extremely overreacting quotes about an opposing group of players
  14. orangejedi829

    Players crave perfect weapon balance in this game because the gunplay is all there is to the game. If there were some sort of meaningful metagame, I would bet people would care much less about small differences in guns.
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  15. Taemien

    I would be alright with it.

    I'd be alright with giving back ZOE to the VS MAX too. As long as Charge was still a viable option somehow.
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  16. AlterEgo

    We need the 50s, man. With patriotism and old school awesomeness for all!
  17. Moridin6

    i didnt mean to come off as anti-vehicle,i love all aspects of this game, though im terrible at air.. i love my maggy and harasser and will farm infantry with them if the situation is right, and sometimes i get c4d, and Always it was my fault. .

    this is about people crying about easily countered things(c4) and things that arent really that effective(emp).

    while i have seen post about stalkers its been awhile..

    yes, there are balance issues in this game, and things that need a tone down perhaps, but the things being whined about lately arent them. and though i began posting in those thread constructively it soon became apparent that the ops and their followers are just trash and crying about being killed because they are trash and being that i Love this game im Sick of this bs

    them crying enough and getting c4 nerfed is a very real possibility, its happened. and i intend to fight it
  18. Anonymous Qwop

    I'm a 90's kid, and I wish things were like that. People are getting too soft imo. I wish someone told me to punch bullies in the face as a kid. That teaches kids how to stand up for themselves. Welp, that is just my two cents.
  19. Taemien

    You mean how the greatest generation did it? Sure thing. Just don't raise kids like the boomers and gen x-ers did. That's what got us in the mess.
  20. CovertYank

    How hypocritical.