Modifications on LMGs on PTS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by nehylen, May 28, 2015.

  1. HadesR

    Do you think that's even an option though in the Dev's minds ? Or would it be better to push for something like a greater movement penalty while shield is up ?

    The latter probably being less drastic and hence more likely in the Dev's eyes
  2. Gables

    Inb4 all the prOrions switch to NC to become wAnchors
    • Up x 1
  3. Hatesphere

    Well done sir, well done.
  4. Garrum

    They are all still clearly inferior. Anyone that needs to kill something is still going to use the Orion, even after the nerf.

    And a good, hard fart kills faster than the Ursa.