MLG & Nexus is the future

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pella, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. EliteEskimo

    If ever there is a cross continental Team up between America and the EU then there needs to be at least one time where BWC and FU team up to dominate. Then Hadouken can make an epic video of us dominating against other outfits, and the victories shall go down in history as being glorious!!!!!:cool:
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  2. 01101010

    Ok... so another "Bending." Betting the fallout will be the same.
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  3. AdennTM

    I agree. I really hope one day FU and BWC and work together ^^
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  4. Epoch/Eep

    Have you preordered Core Combat?
    Have you preordered Core Combat?
    Have you preordered Core Combat?
    Have you preordered Core Combat?
    Have you preordered Core Combat?
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  5. Crashsplash

    You may well be right.

    I do know the times in the later years of PS when we opened continents working with ruffnex were some of the best times I had in the game.

    However that doesn't mean that I could follow a game that had that but no global meta-game. The 'opening of a continent' stuff was only good because it was set within a context of the global game. On it's own it would have been meaningless. The same goes when you try to prevent your opponent opening a continent, last minute saves were epic in part because you knew there were consequences for the overall game-world picture.

    You may also be right when you speak on the numbers wanting the inter-outfit matches. However thinking back to outfit wars, they were a shambles. Very few outfits were able to field a full platoon. Even outcasters could only field 30 people in the first match and then we had 1-3 guests in subsequent ones.

    Also as time went by during the 'wars' interest faded across the empires. The outfit Murder She Wrote had a match and they could only field a squad, OC provided another squad at the last moment (8 people) and a third squad was made up from various other scratch players. Whoever they were against must have had the same numbers issues, because they (we cos I was there) won.

    Outcasters last match was a win by default because our opponent didn't turn up.
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  6. that_darn_lurker

    If these battle islands are the stepping stones between continents, then prepare for major forum angst at levels previously unseen by this community. I remember port battles in POTBS and how the serious business players lost their **** if a noob tried to participate.
  7. that_darn_lurker

    Also, kiss naval combat goodbye. I'll be close to retirement when and if that comes out.
  8. 1Jammie1

    They won't be the same in live as in MLG play. They won't be 48 vs 48 on live servers.
  9. Phazaar

    Disagree. No need for this, just a need for actual metagame. Sorry Pela, but your outfit vs outfit point is a completely separate issue. I thoroughly believe outfit membership should be compulsory, and needs far more support within the development. With that said, it has nothing to do with making this a battlefield imitation arena shooter.
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  10. r1stormrider

    Awesome, we're getting something along the lines of instanced battlegrounds. Id say the future is looking pretty grim. Mlg? This games balance is a joke. Definitely not ready for that type of gameplay.
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  11. Phrygen

    I don't agree with this. Putting two outfits on a battle island isnt a meta game. Its a team deathmatch. That is about as far from metagame as i can think of.

    And i dont see MLG ever being a success with planetside 2 because the numbers are to large to realistically spectate. Im not against the concept of MLG for PS2, i just dont think it will ever become popular or even relevant.
  12. MrK

    It's quite simple for me : if, because of MLG, SOE isn't going to push more content first and foremost, and isn't going to adapt their current lack of gameplay mecanics like Lattice first and foremost, and consider Indar Lattice as the pinnacle of what they can do, and instead go concentrate on battle island and MLG stuff, then this is going to kill the game for me. As simple as that.

    I don't want to play a generic clan vs clan game. There are tons of others doing a better job than PS2. Even T:A would outright outkill PS2 in terms of teamplay, FPS skills and such.

    So currently, the efforts toward MLG aren't making me happy at all because they appear to be done at the expense of what the game should be.

    Pella, the outfit fights in PS1 appeared back in the days because the context was there for these little wars to appear, in the global scheme.
    It's currently not the case in PS2 because of complete lack of context and possibilities. Separating comp outfit from the rest is NOT going to be for the best of the game. It's just going to split a game in 2 with both part competing for development power.
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  13. Rift23

    "Meta game" is me blowing your sundy up with a BR-1 TK alt.
  14. zomg

    This is certainly true. Our outfit does mostly resecures and last minute defenses so we have these sorts of fights all the time. From time to time we lose but usually it's still a good fight, but it's true there is not much incentive to sticking around prolonging the fight.

    The sad fact is that any game that is sufficiently popular and easy enough to get into is going to have these sorts of morons. This has nothing to do with being pro or not. Sportmanship is a part of being a pro, you don't see any actually good players acting like dicks.

    MLG stuff is going to bring in more players so I fail to understand why so many seem to think this way. As I stated in my original post, more players is beneficial to the game as a whole - not just the competitive section of the game, which can't stand alone without the rest of the game, but which will most certainly support the non-competitive portion of it.
  15. Senrab

    I agree wholeheartedly. Planetside has always been unique in that it's core focus is War. War is about having superior numbers, better planning, what have you. When we get to this MLG thing, the game instead becomes about "symmetry" and "balance". Everything has to be 100% balanced and identical, otherwise it wont be "fair" for professional matches.

    Even worse than getting away from the core of the game, devs are doing so on behalf of a minority of people who for some reason believe that video games are a sport.
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  16. LordMondando

    I think its difficult to do from a game design perspective. I'd be on SoE's case a lot more if I could figure out how a tragic defence could be more rewarding. XP boosts alone don't seem to do it. Maybe more could be made of that. Also maybe more could be made of actually having rewards on an outfit level for doing the dirty and at times frustrating work.

    But my hope is, this time next year, when we have some sort of complex logistics network, several continents we have to fight to and from and prehaps a several other elements that add strategic depth to the game. People will inherently be happy to throw themselves into the grinder because there will be a clear purpose to it.

    I think its more than that, I think Lol in virtue of being along with perhaps starcraft the first major 'professional' games. Have gone the way of football, cricket and cycling. Give a few people life changing rewards at the end of the rainbow and they will act like sub-human scum to their competitors if they think they can reach it. Lie, cheat, steal, exploit and absuse (under the rationalisation of 'psyching out') - and so long as you get given the medal and shake the guys hand at the end its sportsmanship.

    The day when a outfit gets sponsored by a soft drink company and some its members start to make descent money off playing PS2. Is going to be a dark day for the community. I play PS2 and put a lot of effort into playing it, analysing it and of course DL, because its a laugh. When it becomes a job, a source of income, something changes. The player say on the Tr, you were sending a /tell to say 'lol, needs more fractures dingus btw whats your favorite dinosaur?!?!?!?!' is not just some guy playing the other team, he's a threat to your ability to earn an income and fame, or a direct and present threat to both.

    I know I disagree with Higby certainly on this, but I think 'going pro' ruins every game ever, from football to PS2. I actually like fighting certain TR and VS outfits, because its a fun fps skillz and intellectual challenge to fight them, soon as it becomes just about the money and fame. Thats done. I can say through gritted teeth how much I enjoying playing them, but can I ever enjoy loosing to them. No.

    Thats a good litmus test infact, Ps2 can ever get to the stage where institutionally its just **** to loose.

    Well yes, hopefully it is, thats why despite wanting to have nothing to do with it. All my objections about sportsmanship on a slightly higher level aside. I have no intent to directly oppose it or claim its ruining my game.

    AS i've said above though, the kind of competitiveness thats about having fun in the game is what I like. The kind of competitiveness thats just about winning ruined sports and is well into ruining a lot of gaming as well.

    I don't see how arranging people as to be ranked and giving some of them money can do anything but that.

    Games cease to be games and become something else when income potential or actual is involved.
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  17. Nocturnal7x

    WTF is nexus? Anyway, get out. Seriously, if you want MLG go play LoL or CSGO.

    If you can organize an outfit of hundreds and take a cont, maybe you matter, maybe. If you win some tourny against a platoon of 48, you matter less than the people playing the real game. No one cares about you. MLG is not meta...Get out.
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  18. bPostal

    I can't justify making PS2 smaller and saying "That's the future." As long as it doesn't direct energy away from the main game then I will continue to tolerate MLG.
  19. zukhov

    Hmmmm not sure....... a lot of PS2 outfits have difficulties dealing with random pick up squads full of newbies. It might get embarrassing if they have to face MLG pros.

    Whatever :) Each to their own, for me a MLG team match would just be another FPS with a PS2 skin. How can you possibly play a game of ps2 if there is no chance of sudden random death? Unless the arena gets a regular sprinkling of lvl 1 light assault noobs then its nothing.

    On the plus side though it may introduce more people to the game.
  20. Vortok

    If Nexus is some instanced area with no relation to the rest of the game it'll feel like wasted dev time to a lot of people. Going by what Higby posted on Reddit, that won't be the case (because they're not so stupid as to waste that much dev time on something only used for MLG) and the battle islands will likely meld with the overall game. It's more stuff in the game, which is cool. Doesn't matter if the map is used in isolation for MLG stuff if it also has a purpose for the main game.

    Sounds like there's a chance they might be used as inter-warpgate, continent linking locations. We've seen what happens when every player on the continent crams into one place... so designing battle islands with a smaller cap makes sense performance-wise. Being between two warpgates would also make it being geared towards two faction (instead of all three) battles make more sense as well.

    Time will tell. The devs aren't half as stupid as forumside wants us to believe.