MLG & Nexus is the future

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pella, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. rayvon

    Oh god im awaiting everyone calling each other a scrub, the MLG will be the beginning of the end for decent teamplay and will only lead to alienation and pomposity, from nobs like the Op.
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  2. Pella

    But the overall point being, Farming certs is boring after a while. So what do people that are bored do?

    Leave the game or take a break and blame the game. You cannot deny that.

    If Outfits had rivalry, And fought each other thats a whole new game right there. And im sure it would keep more people hooked like PS1 did. Rather than running around farming.

    Thats why outfit leaders should take the blame of not adding their own meta.
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  3. UberBonisseur

    I doubt MLG will improve the game on this regard.

    If they balance the game around 48v48, Biolabs will eventually fall due to smaller numbers.
    This is not the case for 99% of the playerbase who are stuck in 100v100 battles in the endless biogrind.

    The game mechanics are lacking.
    No ammount of MLG will solve the issues of "flow" or "pace"; they are essentially proposing the equivalent of a BF rush mode.

    Except the big majority isn't playing Rush.

    As a side note, why do you think LoL is so popular in the Esports scene ?

    1. It's the most played game in the world

    2. This is the login screen:

    Even if 10% of the 10 000 000 playerbase clicks on the HUGE "Watch tournament NOW !" button, you get 1 million viewers. Simple as that.

    Esports is successful because the game has players, rarely the other way around.
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  4. LordMondando

    Well no, but I think the reason why DL has been doing well indeed inspite of other trends is because we've allways tried to play the objective. That gameplay style is enriching enough as is and I try and advocate it as much as possible. There are plenty of utterly frustrating and rage inducing moments when we are heavily outnumbered and being pounded. However, as a holistic greater experience it keeps people coming back time and time again. For every 5 meat grinders I put the guys into we manage to happen upon 1 great fight that feels like we are winning or indeed, loosing as to a larger purpose.

    I really don't understand the outfits that just cert/kill farm, but they are a lot, lot less prevalent on Miller than they have been and largely have now haemorrhage members because doing that for 6 months gets stale quickly. Even if feeling so pro and logging off with 400 certs and a 3.4 K/D feels good on any one occasion. Its as engaging as it sounds really. Especially when its in the same 2-3 biolabs.

    Now my issue is Pella. I want more of that, I want even more context within which, yes, getting hammered at a base, might be ok in a larger context if it means another outfit gets onto the battle island, as the Nc as a whole has a good chance of fighting its way through to Hossin and we might end the night on 2/5 cont caps. Yayyy!

    And the whole logistics thing, that horse is a red wet patch on the concrete now. I want more things to do in PS2 that make strategic sense.

    We manage to do it plenty with the likes of BRTD and FU.

    Hell, its better to fight other outfits in a context which we actually feel useful, than packing off to some instanced map. So we can see who in a very artifical situation compared to the rest of PS2 with no grander purpose to it, is more 'l33t'. Again not saying we won't ever do that. But chances are if we did we'd insist both sides were doing it for a laugh more than anything else, probably with some sort of absurd back drop like the outfit that looses buys each member in the outfit a pack of haribo or something.

    Of course, none of this means that battle islands wont be being used like this. I'd just like to hear a lot more about cont locking and continent progression/lattice than I do about instanced pvp.
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  5. AJay

    This is a grim ******* future I tell you what
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  6. LordMondando

    Ok this makes me feel better.

  7. phreec


    That's what this will bring and it's exactly what this game needs more of. Currently all there is to it is just farming pubs. Nothing wrong with it per se, but it gets boring after a while. This is one step away from the whole "glorified TDM" label long time players have started using.
  8. TheStink

    It's good to see something happening for the outfits that want it, but I hope it doesn't breed elitism and snobbery towards the main PS2 communities more casual player base.
  9. zomg

    You can group most FPS players in two categories:

    - Casual players who just like to shoot at stuff
    - Serious players (and I use the term serious loosely here) who are more about winning

    (Note: this is a loose definition I'm using just for the sake of making a point.)

    Right now the game caters pretty well towards just shooting at stuff. This will cater more towards the rest. More competitive players don't usually enjoy getting zerged so much and thus get frustrated and leave. This sort of thing should help with that.

    Someone mentioned earlier in the thread about why LoL is popular... It's the serious players who bring the viewers. It would be pretty boring to watch average players.

    Still, LoL is perfectly playable for more casual players too.

    It's really the same with PS2 I think. MLG stuff is going to be excellent marketing for the game, which in turn will bring in more players, which in turn will make sure the game will be interesting instead of having dead continents, which in turn means the devs can continue on improving the game for everyone.

    Win-win situation I'd say.
  10. AdennTM

    If an outfit wishes to be competitive but can't even defeat a zerg, they don't deserve to be in MLG.
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  11. zomg

    I'm not sure if I should even bother replying to a comment like this but...

    Have you ever tried winning in a situation where you are outnumbered 4 to 1? Good luck with that when 50% of them is tanks and air hammering every inch of the base with explosions. This is the reality for outfits who don't field hundreds of players.
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  12. rayvon

    Its just a load of bs elitism to make sad acts feel better about themselves, it adds nothing decent to the game for most normal people.
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  13. AdennTM

    My outfit can't field hundred of players and we usually manage to beat Zergs. People think FU is massive when in reality we are same size as INI, only with a lot more inactive players.

    Now there are a lot of factors which will help you defeat a zerg or not but generally a good outfit can beat a zerg.
  14. zomg

    Yeah it really depends on how the fight is otherwise. However, having things like the Nexus might make it easier to find the sort of fights which are good rather than the kinds where you just get shelled by everything :)
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  15. IamDH

    Yeah i look forward to it
  16. AdennTM

    I agree. I liked Pella's post. :)
  17. LordMondando

    This entire dichotomy completely ignores framing this in terms of playing the objective in PS2 vs. playing PS2 to have the best stats. Which is what concerns me far more.

    There will be plenty of very good outfits, who have utterly no interest in MLG. Because well, the entire premise behind it, namely a fair 1:1 match in a balanced map, or whatever. Is not really planetside to begin with.

    Planetside being a MMO combined arms FPS. Well its just not a 'sporting' enviroment in the main game. Gal dropped by 3 squads when you were allready fighting 2 v 2 in a 'fair fight'. No sporting enviroment ever expects a team, to suddenly have to play an extra or even three times their number. Yet this is what planetside is about.

    Furthermore, one of the biggest issues with the game atm, is that loosing in the fashion of a doomed defence. Has no pay off. adopting an enviroment where winning is all that matters and loosing is simply lost time. Again I do not think fits.

    Furthermore, as an aside. Lol has such an absurdly toxic community, precisely because a huge portion of the community thinks that if they do anything to win, and eventually rank up. Interwebs gold will be theirs. The last thing PS2 really wants in the long run, is to emuluate that game and end up having its culture.

    In fact I worry, the more anything (sports, e-sports), moves towards being 'pro' and having potential money involved if your 'pro'. The smaller the space for sportsmanship gets.

    So by all means, do MLG and the best of luck to you. But cashing out the PS2 community as 'causal' vs 'pro'. Does not encapsulate to my mind, a sizable and important section of PS2.
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  18. phreec

    If competitively minded players bother you so much then just ignore them and their 'bs elitism'. It's just another way of having fun.
  19. DogPack

    I'm all for rivalries, but why do people need to put a label on it? Also, why build instanced areas that aren't part of the main game world? Other games do that better. The draw for a lot to PS2 is the fact that it's the only current game with a large persistent world.

    I'm fine with them using some of the map/base tweaks from these things to apply to the larger world (and I'll think of them as a test server that's actually used), but the second they start to balance game/faction mechanics across the board for these competitions, I'll get a little annoyed.
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  20. DogPack

    And in PS1, the base now belongs to the winner, allowing them to move into the next base. And in PS2 battle islands... the map will reset.

    But at least it can be a test server people actually use.