@mithril are you guys able to detect Disconnects in logs for lagswitchers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ps2pIayer, May 23, 2024.

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  1. Ps2pIayer

    i am getting suspicious of a certain player, before he used to not be able to hit me so easily now the past months every time i have my back turned he somehow kills me 99% of the time even when i am dodging best of my ability.

    i suspect they may be disconnecting themselves briefly with a macro to get me to stop moving then shoot me and reconnect.

    if you guys are able to check your logs for disconnects like this let me know cause i have the footage and the time and date.
    everytime ive been noticing this i check the latency and its fine and in my death camera i see their projectile doing a 90degree curve in the air, no one else ive enountered but this specific player does it on killcam.
  2. Mithril Community Manager

  3. karlooo

    The cheating is happening in plain view, and it's so standard now that "all chat" is filled with complaints about cheating, daily.

    The game's getting to a point now where you can label yourself as an idiot for playing this game without cheats.
    Like a web app strategy game. You're trying to play properly and win against people with farm bots... That's not going to happen, you are an idiot for attempting so. And people are waiting for this to get cleaned up or are moving with the flow, and the population is declining.
    The cheaters could get dissolved in the population but there is little to no chance for the game receiving population because the most basic elements that make the game playable, like connection or performance are struggling.
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  4. Mithril Community Manager

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