Misconceptions about hacks.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hodo, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Hodo

    What many people think are hack deaths are deaths to people that have either got the drop on them or are vastly better than them.

    I have been accused of hacking in other games because there are days when I am "ON" I cant miss. I have had someone yell at me that I hack in PS2 because I was on top of a hill with an AMR-66 and killed him in 4 shots without him seeing me or even facing me. I myself thought a base lastnight was under attack by hackers but they were actually just LA troops jumping down from the top of a cliff over the base.

    There are "hacks" in game, and they are damaging to the game but, because your lagging or they are lagging doesnt mean they are hacking because they killed you. If your an INF, and your sitting on a crestline with nothing but blue sky behind you and your trying to snipe at people and a ESF comes along and rocketpods you to death a few minutes later. No the ESF didnt hack to find you, his buddies on the ground just told him where you are.

    Does this mean that SOE needs to put less effort into dealing with the pricks that do cheat, no, not only no, but ah hell no! What I am saying is not every death you have that you didnt see the killer isnt a hack or a cheat, they just maybe somewhere you didnt see.
  2. DeathFaith

    Yeah but a ghosting skippy teleporting every 3 feet landing head shots left and right wich is unhitable , isnt lag.
  3. Hodo

    Like I said, there ARE hacks, but not everyone who kills you is a hacker.
  4. Curze

    I turn around and see an infiltrator at 10m. shield up and unload a barrage of bullets in his face. he slowly walks towards me and 3shoots me with his pistol
    hes at full health and shields at the end of the encounter

    obviously he was vastly better than me, and there are no hacks in this game, because every time someone accuses others of hacking its because they got outplayed
  5. DeathFaith

    The problem is even if there is not alot of cheaters they are there , and all the REAL good players get 0 credit because they are suspected of cheating wich makes the game a big bad boring joke.
    So theres no recognition and no respect.
    The ban hammer need to hit fast and hard !!!
  6. HadesR

    Yeah but when you leave a spawn room stealthed , with no enemy's even close, move through covered canyons, never breaking cover unless cloaked .. and suddenly you are getting hit by rocket pods then something is fishy ? Hack who know's .. but /report and let the GM's decide.

    Edit: I don't report if someone kills me .. Hats off to the Infi who just one shot me, but I do report if the death has iffy circumstances.
  7. CronN

    I've seen some suspicious things going on, but I doubt even 1 of them was a real hack.. I blame the lag for this. My connection is good enough for 30ms ping max. However, I get killed by people teleporting all over the place.. Their lag is killing me :/
  8. RedPsycho

    He could have IR/Thermal Scope, everything lights up like a Christmas tree with those. That is also one major complaint about ESFs and people think should be removed. Those scopes are what really makes it the platform it is.
  9. DeathFaith

    I used to play low settings because all the effects like sun glare fog dust shiny and all that stuff was just making me blind but i had a very hard time spotting stealthers , and since i really think its ******** to have a stealth class have a 1 shot kill sniper weapon i prefer to endure that and spot em out even better then a vanu at night time on high settings , seriously they are like shining like a star very easy to spot with high settings and ambient occlusion. So i dunno about that , Alot of cheats like this are very hard to recognise like radar and wall hack or speed hack is it lag or not ?

    SoE just need tools to find thoses fast and ban for good.