Mines got nerfed?? Cant say I am impressed.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tasogie, Dec 6, 2012.

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  1. Tyroki

    Posted this in another thread:

    This is an absolute BS change.

    It wasn't EASY to run in and mine a stationary vehicle to death. A lot of the time you did so under fire and didn't actually make it to your target. Any competent tank DRIVER moved often. Any competent tank GUNNER kept an eye out while taking out his enemies.
    For an Engineer to offensively mine an enemy tank, you have to not be seen. If you aren't see, the tank is being played incompetently. Tunnel vision hurts, and this helped to punish bad Sundy placement and tank drivers with tunnel vision.

    Before, I was able to mine a pair of enemy Prowlers who decided sitting next to my tech plant shields was fine. They learned to keep back. I was able to spawn at an outpost and flank tanks that were casually trying to farm anyone who left the base shields. They didn't expect it. They thought they were 'supreme' over /yell.

    Mine Guard stops a lot of Suicide Bombers from getting kills as well. If you don't want to spend cert points on it, then you risked dying unless you played properly and didn't get ahead of yourself.

    This is a stupid, half-baked 'solution' to something which wasn't a problem."

  2. Mietz

    Did you actually try the mines?

    Nothing has changed...
  3. Compass

    You just can't throw them off buildings anymore or spam too many in a row without switching back to a weapon. Still works just fine, took out a dozen Sundies no sweat.
  4. Neodrauka

    I'm sorry but this is hilarious. I'm still trying to figure out if this is a troll or you're being serious.

    C'mon man...Really!?

    That's like me reporting a tank for one shotting me exiting a spawn. Or a Sunderer running me over on the road. I could just use an alternate exit, or stay out of the path of speeding vehicles.

    The mines were implemented in game as a proximity explosive to eliminate heavy armour of all types. While I will admit dropping them off over-passes and deploying them on flight platforms is a bit of a stretch of their intended use, blowing a sunderer up that's deployed is not.

    There are so many defences against AT Mines I could go hoarse listing them all. If people cannot be bothered to be proactive in their playstyle and overcome challenges that arise by utilising such defences, they deserve to lose their heavy armour each and every time with little to no ado.
    • Up x 1
  5. Tasogie

    hes trolling for a reaction, he can report away because it is irrelevant.
  6. supahitecjetfyta

    my thoughts on mines as someone who plays as a mine user/mine sweeper.

    mine spacing is a good idea, suits the purpose, make a mine field instead of instakill triple strength mines which are OP.
    shouldn't be any limitation on where i can put them other than the spacing.

    stationary vehicles shouldn't detonate mines.
    should still be able to place mines under them though for when they do drive off.

    an Engy should be able to remove and re-use removed mines.
    if placement is important then let us get it right.

    bullets and splash damage shouldn't detonate mines, too easy to clear a minefield.
    hit the mine with a tank shell(close enough good enough, just not one shot in middle to take out all), get an engineer or go around.

    the guys in the big metal cages have it too easy, they've already got a metal cage protecting them.
    they can increase protection through certs from damage of their choice, 1 choice, mines OR tanks/inf OR air, choose to suit the conditions.
  7. Dubious

    In PS1 (yes another comparison), mines can not be stacked, one can walk between the mines and not blow them up, thats how far they have to be
    You also know exactly where the mine will be placed as one get a "circle" where it will be placed
  8. Dvine

    Holy crap The Sheriff's in town! You all better watch out he means business!
  9. Tyroki

    My problem wasn't even with the spacing. 1 meter spacing? Fine by me. That makes sense.

    My problem was with the forced switching and cooldown.
  10. Recca

    Yup, you know why that happens. Because SOE got lazy and made the tank mine fall under the same jurisdiction as the Turret, that's why you can't drop it on slopes, drop it from above, and why it forces you to switch to your main gun. Test it yourself with a turret.
  11. Aelloon

    Even if mines were undetectable and you couldn't detonate them in other ways it would still make mineguard too powerful. For 330 certs it will take 7 AT mines to destroy a Sunderer. SEVEN. And those are seven direct hits, something which a "7-mine minefield" won't do due to chain reaction so you would have to place them separately. Certing into mine guard essentially makes you immune to mines, might as well have them not detonate on mineguarded vehicles at all - it would still be better than what mineguard currently is.
  12. hsal9

    Yep yep, why would you need some awareness or tactical sense while you sit in your vehicle, just roll with the zerg without care in the world. Seriously I dont get this change, killing jihading engis was real easy anyways, and blowing stationary sunderers argument is just hilarious. I guess it just shows amount of ***** playing this game and good job SOE, you should just cater to them. Gotta earn that $$$ amirite.
  13. Chrysalis

    Which is peachy, because the only thing about Mines that was nerfed was the ability to use them as much cheaper and more effective C4.

    Speaking of which, you lot only have yourselves to blame for this.
  14. RadarX

    Please feel free to use the discussion thread in the Engineering subforum where our official response is located. Thanks!
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