Miller just crashed

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Mrrobinator, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Mrrobinator

    Everyone just disconnected from miller and now it says: server unavailable
  2. Dramonicous

    U beat me to it...
    Server disconnect.
    Atleast its not EU primetime.... yet
  3. cruczi

    Hey! Don't put a silver lining on it. That's SOE's job.

    Although I would venture to say that the server was full enough that I don't care if it's prime time or not. I actually had to queue to Indar.

    And then the server crashed just when I was in the middle of my Lightning Python AP half an hour trial. It was awesome, took down two Scythes with it :p
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  4. ISKNausicaa

    wonderful, wondered what happened :<
  5. ISKNausicaa

    i think you are mistaking silver with brown there :p
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  6. Dramonicous

    Jaeger also went down it seems.
  7. Tonberry76

    i was just shooting things XD and poof DC from the server
  8. Vivicector

    I was just 3 certs away from Saron. Nah, seriously!
  9. unjulation

    aye indeed it has was just about to put a thread up........
  10. Dramonicous

    I wonder how many have lost over 24hrs on their boosts that they bought when they were on sale.
    Glad I didnt get any.
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  11. MaxDamage

    45 seconds to end of alert.
    Server dies.
  12. Dramonicous

    Im pretty sure that it was the start of an alert.
    Though I wasnt paying attention so I might be wrong.
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  13. MaxDamage

    Well it was 45 seconds to something.
  14. SevenTwo

    What I find odd is that the server status here on the forums and on the launchpad says Miller is up with Medium population.

    If Miller just completely crashed, what's the point of having those "status indicators" if they aren't kept updated in real-time anyway?

    Can you even trust the server info when it comes down to it? Maybe even population ratios are fake to give us something to cry about on the forums... *dun dun dunnn!* :eek:
  15. Dramonicous

    They only change when its a scheduled downtime, or when a server have been malfunctioning for a hilarious long time. Never real-time updating only manual.
  16. MaxDamage

    Which means they are unaware of it. SHOUT LOUDER, PEOPLE.
  17. MaxDamage

    It's up now.
  18. MrQuadro

    [off topic]
    Ban the f*ckin cheater on miller with nickname OOOOO*
    [/off toic]
  19. unjulation

    i heard an incoming alert so i think it was to the beginning of the alert as the nc had already won one at about 12ish(gmt) give or take
  20. Bush82

    we were just pushing out of our warpgate on Esamir too. TR had that whole place locked down. skyguard ftw