Miller, Indar, Alert.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Marsodian, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. Marsodian

    So, this morning at about 1:30 AM an alert started on Miller to capture the 3 Tech plants.
    I have heard so many people saying how lattice and alerts are killing the game, and how they do not compliment each other. So I decided to create this post.

    At about 00:30 AM today, We (TR) were pushed south from Suarva Bio-lab. I took lead of a small squad and ordered the defence to be prepared at Quartz ridge camp. My squad was the first to arrive, repairing the turrets and readying the sunderer, we were prepared for an army of NC rebels to attack.

    As 01:00 AM approached, the NC had begun the offence, Tanks, ESFs, Libs, Sunderers and many infantry moving across the open desert, we opened fire and then the real fight began. I was "YELLing" out orders to help other allies, whilst leading my squad during the defence.

    It was 01:30 AM and the Alert started, I made sure everyone new we had to defend Quartz ridge in order to keep Hvar Tech Plant, and so we did. The battle raged for roughly 2 and a half hours, It was intense, back and forth the battle went but we pushed the NC back and survived the onslaught.

    It was an epic victory, one of the most fun, intense and dynamic battles I have taken part in and It is one of my best Planetside 2 memories now. personally killing 152 NC soldiers, 24 vehicles, helping keeping our generator up and running and helping to hold A, B and C was no easy task, but we won :)

    Without the new Indar, without the New lattice and without the Alerts, this battle would not have taken place.
    Great work SOE! :)

    Anyone who was there, did you enjoy it as much as I?
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  2. Gedd

    90% of alerts are won by TR on Miller
    Over population strikers/fractures and usually air superiority do it
    But in saying that WD a good defensive battle is always great fun and Miller TR has some great players that do not get the plaudits they deserve
  3. Wrench00

    Come play on Connery and you will get the opposite where VS and NC win about everything.
  4. Marsodian

    Not entirely true, I've seen plenty where the Vanu win (and have been on multiple times where the global pop was higher for VS too!) poor space marines are always under-popped though.
    I play mainly engineer :) Through being a sub, repairing, ammo xp, sundy xp and killing I gained about 340 certs from the battle!

    I've got to say, well done NC!
    Both factions had their local under-pop times but managed to fight on, so congrats to all who fought there!
  5. Marsodian

    I Have an NC alt. on connery :/

    Also, this was a draw, each faction had even territory and 1 plant each :)
    I find Miller far more even than other servers, although NC tend to have less people most of the time.
  6. Marsodian

    I don't understand how people can not enjoy these battles. complaints like "lattice makes battles stay at the same area going back and forth" and such. But one faction always pulls through, and this will make locking the cont. - once cont. locking is in - far more satisfying :)

    Edit: oops, meant to edit last post :)
  7. zukhov

    I agree, the battles around Quartz ridge, Indar Comm Array, Cora Med and Indar excavation are spectacular and look awesome at night time. Because of the terrain and connections the entire area feels like a battle field rather than just a fight for one base.
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