[Suggestion] Might be time for a serious balance pass ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anantidaephobia, May 3, 2015.

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  1. Anantidaephobia

    Now that PS2 is in the hands of Daybreak, maybe it's time for a, well ... serious balance pass ? Something like a game where NC wouldn't have high end stuff. A game where you get a chance of winning a duel vs an "equal" value NC such as AI vs AI or MBT vs MBT.
    As of now it's almost impossible to win a duel vs an NC MBT with shield (actually all of them are equipped with one ... says much about it :rolleyes: ). Magriders are so bulky and slow that they're just practice targets to other MBTs.
    NC AI MAxes can kill infantry twice as fast as VS ones. And the MAXes with guided missiles are also too powerful considering how easy they're to target and the splash damage.
    They also get powerful infantry weapons compared to other empires (I won't even talk about the Lasher that is almost useless considering that it has very low damage and paints a target on your forehead the second you start firing it. So much for the "heavy assault" VS ...). Oh NC are bad at range do you say ? The problem is that most fights take place at short range (buildings, capture points etc...).
    And maybe some day we might get a "balanced loading screen" too (where you just don't see NC crushing other factions and being the champions of teamplay ??).
    In fact, if you really want people to give money for this game, maybe it would be a good idea to make sure that every player can enjoy it as much as any one else ?!
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  2. Revel

    This is utterly false thanks to Magriders either getting to terrain that other vehicles can't (bypassing the walls around bases that ARE THERE FOR A REASON), or strafing at long range.
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  3. PostalDude

    Didn't even mention TR, thats how sorry of a state we're in.
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  4. Scr1nRusher

    So instead of a good topic(of wanting greater balance improvements(not nerfs).... you use it to complain & want NC things nerfed?
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  5. 00000000000000000000

    Hello fellow vanu soldier, I see you are not fully enlightened yet so let me help you.

    You clearly think the NC have superior technology, but as we all know Technology Equals Might and glorious Sovereignty of Vanu is Mightiest.

    Ah its true Vanguard has armor thick like Terran forehead, but it has squishy rear of anime girl and it is there you must strike most furiously.

    Ah the Dreaded ravens are indeed strong, but may I suggest the terrain using?

    You seem to be most confused as the NC does better at range due to low RoF and high damage numbers requiring less overall hits. In the close quarters both Terran dogs and Brave Crusaders of Vanu beat all but the dreaded Jazzmax and NC SMGs

    Interesting tidbit of true science. Biolab is actually NCs they accidentally blew up! (True story, a dev told me)

    If they really want to make money they should probably ignore you.
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  6. HadesR

    Got to " duel " thought " oh dear here we go again " and stopped.

    It is always weird how these " balance " threads mostly ignore balancing the weapons of the OPs faction.
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  7. DrBash00

    Hmmm... in general i would love to see a balance pass in the Direction of vehicles, because i personal dont play FPS but i loved PS2.... But in the last six months every patch gave vehicle a lesser meaning to the whole gameplay.
    So my Opinion, make vehicles stronger, cheaper... and make a continent like the old esamir where you will fight big tank battles....

    But i think this will never happen, because most ppl. just want the standart FPS
  8. Morti

    One point you made that I'd like to see is for all factions to get their own variant of the others ES HA weapons. NC get a pretty neat shotgun, TR get a bullet hose and VS get a doorway suppressant. Would be cool if each faction had their own variant of those weapons as they are, in my opinion, the most interesting weapons in the game. VS can keep the lasher, TR can have a grenade machinegun and NC can get a Thumper.

    I'd also like to see NC get one set of mid-range LMG AI arms for their max and TR/VS get one set of shotgun arms for their maxes.

    Ravens either need a nerf or the Fractures/Vortex's need a buff. Fractures are in a really sad state
  9. OldMaster80

    The game is way more balanced than many pretend us to believe. The fact is one has to look at the bigger picture: just because all vehicles and weapons do not perform the same it doesn't mean the game is not balanced.

    Imho the game is ok with a very few minor exceptions.
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  10. Ryo313

    watch that and rethink your post again.
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  11. Jamuro

    Love it ...
    People always are complaining about the nc max ... until they try it for more than 5minutes.
    Seriously i would gladly trady the maxes shotguns for a lmg or anything that can hit infantry beyond 3m reliably.
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  12. Ryo313

    and yet nc maxes are designed to be a close range powerhouse with a shield to close the gab and with those shotguns they are really deadly for anyone in close combat.(or you can just use the sprint ability you know)
    and for range they have different weapons ( reavens etc ).
  13. Jamuro

    Again, try it ...
    It's a bit tough to explain ....
    On paper the nc max is an absolute monster, but there are quite few situations where it can live up to it's full potential.
    I am talking about the shotguns here ofc ... a staircase, half a room basically anything beyond almost melee range will not only make your damage output suffer, but very fast result in you actually not doing any noteworthy damage at all.

    Ravens are a ranged option, but tbh i ve never realy liked them.
    Hard to control, especially if your target is actually moving or worst of all shooting back(damn those rocket launchers)
    Their splash range is nothing to write home about and i always had the feeling that their main use is to bombard a doorway, or bunched up group of people like at a sunderer.

    And ravens after all are not meant as anti infantry weapon ... they are just the best ranged option nc currently has (which should tell you all you need to know about how limited nc maxes are, when it comes to ranged options)

    The only thing i would say nc maxes realy excell in, is killing other maxes and well farming biolab landing pads & lifts.

    As a side note tough i agree that the nc is op when it comes to the loading screen^^
    Would love to see some variations there.
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  14. Vixxing

    Since i play all 3 factions (NC now but VS is br100) i can agree on one point: Ravens i use them ALOT its easier to hit with than Vortex, they do more damage, about the same range and they slaughter infantry too, Vortex is inferior in ALL ways to Ravens... (can only assume the same is true with Fractures havent used them, pounders are cheap and kicks ***!)
  15. Cinnamon

    There are no horrorable samurai duels between tanks in this game and probably never will be. VS get plenty of good weapons to go up against NC and certainly don't need major buffs in every category. If you like NC weapons much more then just create an NC character.
  16. Ballto21

  17. Plastikfrosch

    Have you ever tried a stealth magrider with a saron on top?? use the mobility of the magrider, circle the vanguard and spam the saron (on short range its better than the enforcer wich is the better long range weapon and not as spamable as the saron).
    Vanguards are more tanky but slower and not able to hide theire rare ends as easy as our magriders can do.

    The jackhammer ist juast another shotgun and only to fear if the wielder is using the tripple burst. But you can use a pumpaction yourself. I can kill a Jackhammer heavy while using my NS11C-engy.
    The lasher is not useless. i dont like it because its a free ticket for a weaponlock when it comes to me but its the best surpressive weapon.

    I prefer the vortex because it nearly hits instantly when i let my trigger go and i love the lancer even more because as heavy im not restricted to the AV weapon only (and the lancer/vortex are not really able to deal infantry but therefore they are effective against all air - not so good for ESFs - and eveything on the ground and even maxes). In my opinion the lancer is the best ES launcher and a 2x Vortex max is nearly as dangerous as a ravenmax.
    And because the phoenix is nearly worthless (and imo the most useless ES launcher) they have to pull ravenmaxes with nanites while we can pull heavys with lancer wit

    hout having to use resources.

    Yes there are too many capturepoints inside of small rooms and when the NC camps the doors with maxes its extremely hard to get the point. But a 2xVortexmax can rip apart an NC max pretty fast but you will need some infantry behind you to get rid of the hostile infantry.
    So NC has to decide to be extrem AI effective and we have to see the NC maxes as vehicle and switch so AV for them.
    The only too versatile weapon in this class is the pounder because its works extreme effective agains Infantry, maxes and vehicles but therefore the fractures are BS as long range AV weapons.
    And dont forget grenadespam (especially AV nades for the maxes).
    And when we forget about the maxes the orion and the SVA are extreme good weapons.
  18. Haquim

    Love that vid.
    Makes a lot more sense than the one about the noobtube.

    So... how do we get rid of rebalance the HA, that is the greatest violation of everything this video talked about?
  19. Ryo313

    the Heavy Assault is ballenced. it is afterall the frontline soldier and designed to soak up and deal a good amount of damage.
    there is also a good video that explains it

    if you get rid of it you'll have troubles in alot situations that other classes can't handle.
    he has good points tho.. why do you think the heavy assault is unbalanced or "OP" ?
  20. Shiaari

    I vote this thread locked for being click bait.

    Thread claims to be about balance; winds up being an NC OP whiner thread.
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