[Guide] MG-H1 Watchman: Highly Technical Weapon Guide

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Iridar51, Feb 12, 2018.

  1. Iridar51

    • Up x 6
  2. Lord_Avatar

    An excellent analysis. As usual you did a great job. :cool:
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  3. Prudentia

    Only spent my time digging into the Meow and Promise sofar cause the watchman looked so mundane, so i didn't even know till now that it too has the negative Horizontal recoil scaling of the Promise :eek:
    Was a great read!
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  4. DarkStarAnubis

    Thanks Iridar for your wonderful review!

    I find it difficult to "place" the Watchman in a precise category: I love LMGs like the Orion, GD-22S/Anchor, MSW-R because they are well suited for CQC: good damage model and precision coupled with short reload time. And every time I switch to the Orion after using other LMGs I am always surprised by how easily that weapon handles in terms of precision and firing long[er] bursts.

    Now, the Watchman is a bullet-hose so it gravitates automatically toward CQC use but at the same time has a long reload time that can kill you if someone enters in the room from behind a corner. It has IA to benefit in engagement at range, but a damage model based on low DMG/high ROF which is the opposite of what you would expect for ranged engagement (SAW, URSA, TMG-50).

    I am using it with IA, grip, x2, Flash suppressor, but I confess I am also affected by "reloaditus" so I have yet to find a good way of using the Watchman...