Yes, the NC scattermax has a more limited range, but that doesnt change the fact that it is 1000% more effective for holding down indoor cap points than any other max. One on one a smart NC max versus any other max wins no matter the range, all he has to do is charge and bang bang dead. No other max has such instant kill capabilities at any range, and despite what some people claim scattermaxes are still relatively effective at medium range. If any faction is going to have the awesome close quarters control of the scattermax, then ALL of them should have it. Give the NC an equivalent of the mercy, and TR and VS an equivalent of the scattermax. Problem solved. IMO the cqc damage should still be reduced across the board though. No max kill should be instant. they should be more about survivability rather than instant kills. NC populations are way out of wack on Helios, and I think the scattermax is a big part of the reason for that. Who wouldn't want that kind of pwnage? NC regularly has 40-50% population on Helios. CQC is 90% of what territory control comes down to. It can be hard as hell to get NC out of a biolab for example. I can get just as many medium range kills as infantry as in TR maxes, but nothing comes close to nc maxes in cqc.
NC MAX already got the bat, and a bad one at that. They still work but are a lot harder to use, I have dual Mercy on my TR and I just rip infantry apart with them. They needed the nerf. And to the tears in this post,
You shot yourself in the foot with that sentence. This is another instance of arguing against the use of strategy not against the tool being used. I expect any smart anyone to excel at whatever it is they're doing...and i hope those smart people kill you many many times in the years to come if you don't rage quite before that happens.
Mercies were never overpowered, unlike the scattermax. Also I would like to add that scattmaxes are fine now so stop ******** about them.
Too whiny, didn't read. Welcome to the club. Now all maxes are just infantry with extra HP. how do you like that for balance? Don't worry, though, SOE will soon have new OP max toys we can all buy and enjoy for a week before they, too, are nerfed.
It's basically just an extremely slow smg now (disguised as a chain gun). You need 2 of them to basically match the rate of fire of a smg. To be frank, that's not something I am really interested in putting on my max. I wish they gave us an option to refund or exchange them out.
this is going to be a moot point once they release the MAX thumpers. every other MAX weapon besides bursters will be obsolete instantly.
I'm sorry, how do timed explosives become better than a gun. All people have to do is move away from it.
How about you stop the whole "ZOMG THIS AND THAT IS OP" on the forums and find an easy way to deal with them? Seriously though. How about uhhh... yeah, C4? You can kill them as fast as they can kill you, you just gotta' be smart. Here's how bic boi. Place the C4 on a door way, spot him on the map, shoot him from mid range to get his attention, quickly hide on a corner and look at your map til he crosses that doorway, and finally blow him up. Works most of the time.
Um how am I arguing against the use of strategy? I do very well using "strategy" and c4 to blow up scatmaxes. That is not the point. My point is that any strategy (the word you should be looking for is tactics btw) one faction has, ie cqc camping with instagib maxes, should be available to the other factions also. My point isnt that I don't know how to deal with them, just that the other two factions do not have anything that compares to them, and yet the mercy is the one that got nerfed this round. It is much easier to c4 any other faction's max, because you will live for at least 2 seconds after they see you at short range. Not so vs scattermax, even post nerf. As far as saying that "smart" players should beat you, as in the scatmaxes that charge rather than staying at range, I should rephrase that to say that it's those that arent stupid. It doesnt take a pro to figure this out.
They nerfed the Mercy max so people would buy Onslaughts. Can't sell people more gear is they already have the best and by best I mean the only one that didn't suck. But now at least you have to weight up the odd on what sucks less. Personally I wouldn't do anything until the Max update comes since the Nerf came out of the blue so knowing SOE I would say they have more up there sleeves to come.
"Hahaha Scatmax nerfed it was OP stop complaining it had to be done" "WuhuhWHAAAAT? MERCIES NERFED? KILL YOURSELVES SOE IM DONE THIS IS BS WTF I HATE EVERYTHING"
But it's difficult to move away from many tiny grey balls on a grey background. They don't flash like grenades do.
You sir are not smart... I know how to kill them and i do it all the time. That does not change the fact that nc maxes are much more effective at cqc, which is a huge part of the game. There is no way around that, and it should not be. In the right locations and if they don't allow themselves to be baited out, they are much harder to dislodge than you are implying. Make it 2-3 of them and you won't get into that room, c4 or no. They can hold off a rush of many more infantry than any other max could.
You are arguing with a guy who makes Dual Burster MAX sound like "IWIN" buttons against air. Most people ignore that whole fact that the C4s, the Prox/Bouncing Betty/Claymore Mines and Mines don't 'show' warning messages so LAs who toss C4 can usually do serious damage or kill infantry because they can't run away in time, which include MAX armors or pre-place them and use them as ambush items if people are not throwing grenades around.
I'm not sure why they're so hesitant to allow MAX's to have really powerful anti-infantry weapons. I still think it would have been better to leave scatmaxes where they were (but give all MAX's higher damage resistance to shotgun weapons) and give accuracy and damage (or rate of fire) buffs to other empires' MAX weapons. But SOE seems to want to keep MAX's as just a mild to moderate firepower multiplier in infantry fights, where hard counters aren't so much a common necessity as they are a sort of equalizer. I don't think that's really how it should be, but it's probably not going to change (barring overpowered new MAX weapons or abilities). As far as the balance changes to Mercies with respect to other TR MAX AI weapons, the Mercies were the clearly superior option, so something needed to change there, but I would have expected them to buff the others to be on par instead. But I guess they think the ranged MAX AI weapons are more or less where they need to be, and I just don't agree with that.
All Maxes are good at killing infantry. TBH infantry is more or less instantly gibbed by all AI Max weaponry, the real perks come when you start discussing MAX vs MAX, where NC wins if they can get close. Here's the tradeoff though: Hacksaws are only slightly better at gibbing infantry, and you have to be much more decisive with your shots because when you're out, you're in for quite the reload. Mercies can fire for days and potentially kill far more infantry and at a variety of ranges, whereas the NC max is more of a hit and run thing. If you want mercies to be as good as hacksaws at close range, then you're delusional. Sure, remove all killing ability past 10m and we'll talk, but then we might as well be using the same exact weapons. You can't have the best of both worlds, I don't understand why people think they're entitled to the other factions' benefits. As a Hacksaw user, I would love to have Mercies to turn to. They're far more versatile.