For anyone else? Or is it just on my end? I'm wasting 3 or 4 before one takes. It was working fine when I played on Thursday. Log-in today and they're not currently working. Apparently, RestroKits are working. Also, anyone have an eta on when jetpack bug is going to be fixed. I created a HA and certed it up, but every time I switch back from HA to LA, the jetback won't work and it's somewhat infuriating to cert something up and not be able to play it... edit: actually, in hindsight, not the forum for this question. Would delete if I knew how. Oh well.
I also experienced this issue. After a brief firefight with four bars of health left and no shield, I use a medkit. Health goes to full, then back to four bars. The only way I've seen to get it to 'stick' is to wait until my shields are full, THEN use the medkit. However, this is not always practical.
Same here, I havent tried waiting for my shields to go up but i'll give it a shot. Thanks for the tip.