Medics - why are 99% of them not resurrecting MAX Units?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tbot, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. huller

    Noob logic when playing as Engineer:
    "I can't glue you back together in your MAX, you are a person, ask that medic"

    Noob medic logic
    "I cannot resurect you, you are a machine, ask that engineer over there"

    There is your problem.
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  2. Xind

    I don't do it because I don't have an engineer leases to me all the time. Unless we're in a bio lab where you can quickly run back to safety and potentially get repaired, I feel like I'm just going to get you killed again.

    I consider rezzing people in danger/unclear hot spots extremely douchey.
  3. Devrailis

    Yeah, I kind of assumed it was a feature, but you're right, it's not clear if this is a bug or not since there's 0 documentation about it.
  4. IMTasty

    Join an outfit, if no medic resses you then you just yell at them over mumble/vent/TS and they get the point. :D jk
  5. Ganelon

    I had 10 medics having a picnic on my MAX corpse.
  6. Prodigal

    Actually 99% of all medics are neither rezzing nor healing.
  7. ScrapyardBob

    The #1 issue is that downed MAX units do not show skull-and-crossbones. So unless we are looking for unmoving lumps of metal on the floor, we're not going to know that you need a rez. Other infantry give us nice and useful heal or rez icons that show through walls so we know that there's a body, 2 flights up and hidden in the janitor closet.
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  8. ElastaPlast

    The guy getting rezzed can always click No. If the guy is a MAX then it's worth the risk just to bypass the cool down of pulling another.
  9. Pikachu

    New people are unsure weather maxes are repaired or healed and even more unsure weather they can be revived. Sometimes the icon is missing as said. Medic is my primary class and I focus on maxes.
  10. Herrick

    Because the game does an awful job at explaining things to people. This is just PS2 standard practice.

    Note that just because I consider it normal for SoE does not mean I find it acceptable.
  11. Peacemaker12

    To be honest I don't want to revive MAXs since the most health they can be revived with is just 20% health at max level medic tool. Far too many times have I seen a MAX that I revived struggle to find an engineer and proceed to die from a random explosion with that sliver of health he has. It makes me feel like some kind of ******* whenever that happens.
  12. Keldarris

    Medic is not a class I use very often except in tough sieges. When I am one, I do keep an eye not just on those soldiers around me, but the MAXs. Hell, I even rez a MAX from an outfit I don't like, simply because they are on the NC! If a equipment terminal is close by and I'm another class upon seeing a downed MAX, I'll tell the player "Hold on, I'll go change to a medic" and do just that.

    But I agree with others above, that an icon should be placed above a dead MAX. Hell, this game should have 'shipped' with a tutorial on what each of the classes and vehicles can do with the starting gear. Of course, there is and in the search area simply type in: Planetside 2 Medic Tutorial to get a list. I found this one:
  13. Canaris

    ah so there is a no death icon over the MAX :( here was me thinking most medics were just jerks.

    This needs to be fixed quick smart
  14. DemoEvolved

    It is because 100% of dead maxes do not show the rez icon.
  15. tbot

    I did not realize they don't have the death icons, when i pass by a dead max on the ground i just brizzle him with my medic gun.

    Will have to look next time.

    So next time Im in my maxsuite i will do some yells before i die :)
  16. Xind

    They can always say no, but I watch people get up over and over again when a scatter max is camping next to there corpse and a medic is reviving them from behind a shield. People just click yes and suffer. I can't...I can't feed my enemies bodies like that.
  17. italktowalls

    sorry man :/ every time i rez a MAX he TK's me :( idk wut im doing wrong. so i got tired of being tk'ed. i cant believe my own teammates are screwing up my K/D ratio :mad: which as we all know is the most important stat ever.
  18. Phyr

    If you're dead, there's a good chance I'll be killed trying to res you.
  19. {joer

    A better question is why should maxes be resable.
  20. QuakerOatsMan

    Actually, I highly doubt that's the case. Medics are ALWAYS hungry for exp, but many are just tunnel-visioning stupid and look straight to the radar to find potential exp. That's why you always get a medic that resurrects you at 25%—and leaves you there to look for the next skull icon, while not realizing that healing you to full also gives him exp. Medics run into enemy fire all the time to risk themselves for that exp, and more often than not they resurrect your body while it's under enemy fire for a hopeful additional exp when you die again. The rest just don't know that a MAX can be resurrected or feel as if it's just going to be a bugged waste of time.