What is wrong with these people? Dying as a MAX is a lot worse than dying as infantry which gets back fully restored for free after 20sec. The MAX suit is like a vehicle you dont want to lose. Yet I see medics often derping around doing other stuff. Or reviving a newly fallen infantry unit instead of the MAX thas has been lying on the ground for 30sec and is counting to 60. Healing and reviving infantry means nothing compared to reviving a MAX.
Well, it's easy to miss someone lying dead in a corner or otherwise behind cover, especially if you are in a squad or platoon. The "dead team mate" marker doesn't really seem to show on the map up when in squads, making you rely on direct sight alone rather than the mini-map. And then there's tunnel vision. It's easy to get so focused on what you are doing, that you don't notice the guy lying off a bit to the side, who really needs to get a rez.
Maxs get their heal from me, of course. But sometime the problem is, Maxs are in the heavy line of fire - not possible to go close enough to them....
So you want me, as a medic, to spent 4 seconds reviving a MAX alone if I can heal up 3 guys first to cover me? I always like to bring up at least the engis before healing up the MAX because a MAX with 10% health is just gonna die again and get me killed...
Pretty much this. Many of the dead MAX units I see have died in an area where reviving them would just be feeding free certs to the enemy. If you're dying in a place like that I'm sure as hell not rezzing you.
Really rezzing MAXs depends on the situation. I'm not gonna get killed futilely trying to rez a MAX when I can rez 3-4 people in the same time frame. Sure if I see the MAX down I'll make it a point to rez him if it's safe.
News flash, medics aren't obligated to rez people. I'd feel completely fine dancing on a pile of corpses as a medic. Yes, some people want to help other people, they play as you would expect a medic to play. Other people say "I play medic for me, not for you", and I agree with them - as long as this an open world MMO you don't have the right to expect anything, from anyone.
my main infantry class is medic (otherwise i am usually engineer to be able to repair my tankytank^^) and i am a medic FIRST and a combat soldier SECOND. i usually go for ANY revive that isnt too risky and i usually prioritize maxes. however, in a large clusterf***, the medigun sometimes doesnt prioritize the corpses i want it to prioritize. whether this is a bug or an intended "feature" i dont know, but sometimes my medigun starts healing a FULLHEALTH soldier next to me instead of going for the revive of a corpse two meters away from me. sometimes, it is so bad that i literally have to try aiming for like 5-10 seconds to make the medigun start reviving that guy all people walk on just to get him back to life. needless to say, this has also got me killed several times unfortunately that said, i really wish the medigun would prioritize its targets (top priority are dead corpses, second priority is healing wounded friendlies). anybody else experiencing this?
9 out of 10, when a MAX dies, it's in a place where trying to rez them is more hazardous than tea-bagging a bear trap on a greased Slip N' Slide. The thing is if they go down it's usually for one of two reasons: 1) The position is just about or has been overrun. That makes it a little difficult to get in there and get the rez off, and more often than not a bunch of other folks are dead that can be gotten up quicker to help take the edge of the situation, or at least provide distraction targets. I'd rather have 3-4 infantry up to help hold the place rather than spend the rez time on the MAX just to get shot in the head in the process and lose the position entirely. 2) The MAX ran out and over-extended without any support and died in a place that would require no less than a squad push to get to. Which makes running out there half-cocked as a lone medic pretty much /suicide. In either case, unless I get an engineer up first to do some emergency repairs on them, upon getting their rez the MAX is almost inevitably either going to die again within a few seconds, wasting the effort, or MAX charge out of danger (which they'll often do regardless) leaving me all by my lonesome to deal with whatever remains and try to get up the infantry I should have prioritized first because they're too worried about losing their resources and MAX CD than the guy that just risked *** to get them up.
When I play medic (although rarely nowadays) then I will literately throw myself into the line of fire from up to 20 spawn campers for a chance to revive a max. If theres a slightest chance I can revive I max then im bloody hell gonna take it, thats how I want other medics to behave! I have yet to see a single one do that.
Really? wtf is the point of playing a medic if not to use its core utility to revive other people? If you are playing medic 'for yourself' why not just roll heavy with a health kit and be drastically more effective?
Depends on the situation. If there's still a bunch of enemies around, I'd rather rezz infantry who can get back up to full shields/health on their own versus a downed MAX who requires an engy to be brought back up to full health. Plus, I'll also probably die in the process of rezz'ing the MAX considering the longer revive time.
I don't, really, my point is - I have a full right to say "I play what I want and it's none of your damn business what do I do with it", and you have no right to complain about it. I decide what the point is, for me. Not you, or anybody else.
When I see a dead max and dead infantry around it I just throw my trusty revive grenade to get all the meatshie...errr infantry up while I take my time reviving the max
I think you're an idiot. I have full right to my opinion. I agree with the op If your intent is to win battles, reviving a MAX vs reviving infantry in most situations is more beneficial. Provided the opportunity to do so w/o dying yourself exists.
If you feel like encumbering yourself with obligations, if doing what is expected of you brings you pleasure - you have a right to pursue that. That's my point - in PlanetSide 2 everyone can do anything, and if that ruins someone's expectations - that's the problem of the person who has said expectations. No game rule says that whoever plays medic must make the best effort to revive and heal everyone he can. This is just an expectation, artificially created by players. Right now, however, we are not in the game. We're on forums, with guidelines, which you just broke by calling me an idiot all of a sudden. My opinion being different from yours doesn't give you right to insult me.
I said I think you're an idiot for your response. The op said its more detrimental for a MAX to die than regular infantry and that prioritizing MAX's when possible over infantry is best practice. Your reply with 'i do wut i want bro' is neither helpful to the discussion and borderline not even on topic. Thumbs up for knowing guidelines though, I was surprised you decided you to read those, seeing as you do what ever you want. I'm done here with this now.
My point is that expecting anything from anyone in an open world MMO game is wrong, and that is on topic. The topic is "revives for everyone, especially MAXes, because you must, YOU MUST revive everyone, because YOU MUST want to win the battle and this is the best way to do it!" Nobody "musts" anything. If a medic joins an outfit, and it is specifically stated that this medic must revive everyone he can, giving the priority to MAXes, then and only then that MAX can expect to be revived by that medic. Base captures are just a pretense. Some players find it mega important to win, to cap the base, some players don't, and you can't be mad at them because of that. U mad bro? I'm sorry if I upset you, but you seem to mistake my in-game policy with "how do I live my life" policy.