Medics are beast

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by mynameaborat, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. mynameaborat

    Is it just me or are medics BEASTLY in firefights (CQC and med range)

    they dont have to deal with ridiculous recoil that comes with a lmg....they can heal themselves right back up, and after shields go back into the fight fresh without dying....and with the new smg..50 round mag, they put out good dmg in fights...

    As long as im not bogged down with healing or ressing(i know lol) i can essentially go a mean killing streak just a minute ago...
  2. Commissar38

    Hence why medic is my favorite class; you can put down some rather beastly CQB/Mid Range damage and you can really help keep a push going with heals and rezzes
  3. xNPCx

    The trick is to use them as fodder. With a lvl 6 meditool you can revive almost as fast as they die which is useful because as they draw fire you can pick off enemies.
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  4. mynameaborat

    LOL never thought of it like that!
  5. Doogle

    I have full adrenaline shield on my heavy yet I generally find myself more deadly and durable vs infantry as a medic with a TRV.

    Although for close range a HA with a nighthawk is very nasty

    Also self heal ability+resto kit works very well at medium range, have kind of wondered if heal nade stacks too.
  6. Corezer

    This. Although I still wouldnt be interested in heal nades, I'd have to give up my nano for the ability to have 3 much more situational use items, not to mention the prep time for it would be longer. I'd kill for flashes tho.
  7. Ticee

    It is definitely the most effective direct anti-infantry fighter, only matched by the HA depending on choice of weaponry. But clearly there's a reason it's called Combat Medic and not just Medic :p
  8. MrLee.NO

    They are monsters. But they should be. They're basically the riflemen of Planetside 2. There's a reason they are the only ones who get full Assault rifles. Anyone who thinks they are a support class are seriously underestimating them.
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  9. TooIndecisive

    They out-DPS HA, but need HA for AV/to soak up damage (read: die and feed them delicious revive points), and in sustained firefight situations are generally outclassed by the HA.
  10. ChironV

    Often I hang back as our squad moves forward. In tower engagements I roll up the rear reviving those who have fallen so they can run up again. No one in our squad should release as long as the medic is rolling up behind. Only time they release is if they are LA and I cant get to them or if we get rolled over by a superior force and the medic buys it. Sometimes I get to roll into a room softened up by our HA and let fly with my nighthawk or pandora (extended mag). Usually the enemy is damaged already so I wind up with a kill streak then rez everyone so I have some support.

    Medic is the only class that can make his own support. :)
  11. Zagz

    For me, the Medic is pretty much the cleaning guy. Send in the dogs, they will kill, get killed and do some noise than send in the medics. They will wipe the floor, kill the injured and pick up their allies.
  12. Commissar38

    Generally speaking, if you're a CM in a base assault and there is no one in front of you... you're doing it wrong.
  13. ChironV

    Yay for the Janitors!
  14. Sebyos

    Hahaha yeah. The key as medic is using the others as cover. And you got an infinite amount as long as you don't die yourself. You simply use the others for taking fire which gives you have plenty of time to snipe people with a beast AR.
  15. MrLee.NO

    Then I've been doing it wrong since day 1. And quite succesfully at that.
  16. SGTWOLF68

    Depends on your style sometimes heavy's are best if they have good enough reactions to activate their sheild and click left mouse button.
  17. Bill Hicks

    What really hampers medics is the amount of ammo they carry. I love the gauss rifle, but I find myself out of ammo after a few kills.
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  18. Sossen

    What the Combat Medic really lacks is a true in combat ability for itself. The infiltrator has invisibility, HA extra HP, LA a massive movement advantage and the engi the turret. The regeneration aura is very good as a support tool as well as out of a firefight, but other than keeping yourself alive from fight to fight the medic is on average weaker in a firefight.

    Of course there shouldn't be such an ability and the medic should always be using nearby teammates to fuel his own power.
  19. Maellean

    I would have to, very politely, disagree with the above.

    It may be the way I play the game, but my medic is my go to CQC class in most cases. If I am solo defending a point or tower, the self regen ability makes it impossible for the enemy to whittle me down as long as I have a few seconds between every engagement. Nanoweave coupled with self healing makes the medic surprisingly durable, not to mention access to some of the best and most versatile weapons in the game.

    I main a medic and heavy pretty equally for the most part. As much as I love tossing a concussion grenade into a room before storming in, my medic is still my most reliable CQC solution.


    I will agree with Bill Hicks whole heartily. I've run into that wall of frustration every single time I assault a base with my GR22 only to run out of ammo with no engineer in site.
  20. Sossen

    I know, I do the same, but undeniably a HA has a better in combat ability. The other classes have more situational abilities and they are perhaps harder to use but ultimately give a greater in-combat advantage when employed correctly.