[Suggestion] Medic Un-heal tool

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by praeses, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. praeses

    Alternate heal-tool option: Normal heal mode heals (and resurrects) at half rate but secondary fire un-heals enemies (at half rate) without damage notification. Maxes are immune (because they immune to the normal heal tool).

    Would just add a slight twist to normal medic play to keep things interesting, very situational tool.

    I imagine this would have been suggested before a few times...
  2. Campagne

    At only 50% of the normal heal rate, that would be worse than any knife.
  3. Kanelbullen300

    we already have that. its called assault rifles
    • Up x 3
  4. praeses

    I think you missed it in the original post:

  5. Eternaloptimist

    I don't see the value of this, given the range of the healing gun and the TTK it would have. But give me AI mines rather than C4..........now we're talking :).
  6. Deffington

    Are we going to un-vive them as well? And how about un-spawn grenade? xD

    First get me a healing C4, then we can talk about unhealing.