You have no business calling/asking for a Medic!!! think you can stumble, bumble or just get lucky falling out of thin air into a room full of 2 squads with you're "Horrificus" play style. All the while not realizing you just team killed 2 of our own. *looks* There goes padded helmet Gary again. *derp derp*
Well really don't play a support class if you're not willing and able to support, regardless of how stupid allies may be. If nothing else, revive them last.
I'd hardly call performing an intended purpose "white knighting." If they're blatantly intentional sure, put 'em down and leave them down. But everyone accidentally kills an ally here and there, sometimes it's not really even his or her fault.
*laughs* You're still White knighting. I guess that remark went over you're head. Any hoot...2 peas in a bucket. Padded helmet that you!
Well really man, don't heal don't revive don't be surprised when you take a shot to the back of the head. If you genuinely think supporting allies is "white knighting" I don't know what to say. And you call yourself a medic.
*woosh* over you're head....again. *sigh* I'm talking about you're "white knight" attitude defending padded helmet Gary and his "Horrificus" play style. Medic! Medic! No. Most certainly not padded helmet Gary..... Once again you just took out 2 of our own teammates (an NG & Maxy combo) that were clearing the room and advancing quite nicely for us. Medic! Medic! "Hey get me up cuz...I got more a ma Cee-FURR!!!! MEDIC! MEDIC! Puts Gary on the short bus *presses* mute. I don't revive team killers. So stop screaming for a Medic. o7
You shouldn't revive anyone that asks for Medics. We can see the nice fancy icon on our screen and also on mini-map. No need to ask for rez unless medic runs by without seeing you. I done that a few times (run by without seeing them) dead. Or they died behind me.
Bolshevik! That's our job as a Medic. No duh. Again....No duh. Look man, if you're a team killing "tinkerbell with C4" don't scream for a Medic. o7
You know what is more frustrating? The ones who scream for medic and then proceed to run away, full sprint, from said medic.
Honestly just prioritize yourself first, then help allies second. I get people pming me in game "REVIVE ME MEDIC" constantly. Quick tip; that doesn't get you a revive faster. If I don't think the area is safe or if i'm focusing on something else at the moment your rude butt is at the bottom of my priority list. You get rezzed or healed at the medic's discretion, not yours.
Funny Twin Sun's, but from what I read here you seem to be the guy that needs a few shots in the back, get a revive, and get shot in the back again for good measure. Your moral compass seems broken.
It's a COMBAT medic. I hate getting tells while I'm working on directives of dudes telling me rez plz rez or getting mad I'm not gonna kamikaze to rez them because they chose to run in a straight line out in the open and got blasted in 50 different directions by both friend and foe. Especially if the dude tked me a few times before just because...spray and pray right? Keep in mind the goal of the medic is to eliminate the surrounding threats, then maybe rez/heal you once the area is clear. It's not their fault you died, nor is it their duty to babysit you at any cost.