Play HA,u thank me later. But ontopic,i have no idea,i didnt played a lot with medic. Btw this may helps:
No one ever plays medic. But anyway: There's two loadouts I run, CQB and Frontline. The CQB medic uses a close-quarters AR with a laser sight. Since I'm in close quarters, teammates are more likely to be close to me, so the healing aura is more useful than the shield regenerator. Obviously I use revive grenades. Suit slot is personal preference, you can make good arguments for grenade bandodier, ASC or flak armour. The others are less justifiable. I personally prefer medkits on my medic because C4 isn't of much use to a class that isn't supposed to be making such high-risk manuevers as C4ing targets, but I guess if you get caught by a MAX you might be able to pull something off if you're in CQB. Frontline medic uses a mid-range AR, the shield regenerator and nanoweave. Revive grenades are less useful because you're not as likely to see allies clumped up, but you should probably still carry one just in case. C4 is even less useful here so I go medkits. Just my two cents. But I only play Medic 25% of my playtime which is only, like, twice what most people have, so what do I know.
I'm new to playing Medic but following comments and suggestions elsewhere in this forum I am looking at a commando medic - fast firing AR, maxed healing aura (for myself as well as others) maxed med tool for others, frag and C4 (though I'm less sure about the C4).
I found medkits better than C4 to, although you have self heal if your doing a lot of fighting or decide to heal some friendlies you maybe out of power for a few critical seconds so a insta heal kit is a god send. imo C4 on infantry has very few opertunites of use. As TR i would pull medic to be offensive as much as a HA, the AR's are vastly superior to any LMG we have. Id grab the TRV as its an absolute monster within its effective range. Or if your being super aggresive the TAR, not quite as good a gun but its hipfire ability and ROF are superb. And if your outdoors or want to be sneaky the SABR properly used can be shockingly dominant Myself i tend to carry nade bandoler and spam rooms with them or hiding enemies. While nanoweave makes sense, i get more nade kills than deaths where 1 extra round of protection would of saved me.
I'm a huge proponent of C4. It may only get limited use for us medics, but it's easily the most satisfying experience when used successfully. Nothing better than sticking C4 to the side of a sundy as it tries to run you over and blowing it to smitherines as you slow walk away like an action movie star. Nobody expects the medic to have C4.
It's a bit of a vague question, OP! What faction are you playing? Intended ranges? Lone wolfing or in a squad? I follow a very similar play style, though opt for the rez 'nade as I'm often in a small outfit squad with other medics. We've got quite good at chain-ressing each other As Jaegon said I would highly recommend going for the C4 if you're taking a commando approach, and especially if you're heading indoors (MAX bait anyone?).
For suit slot, flak armor stand on a lonely height with me. Saved me countless times from HE and grenade spam. I exchange the heal aura and the shield booster depending on situation. If it's in a base with alot of people on chokepoints, i use the shield (or spawn camp...). If it's gone be a dynamic push, roll the heal although i also run medpacks, so the heal aura is more for not needing to change weapon. Never saw a use for c4 except as extra grenades, but they're more dangerous to me then the enemy i experienced xD. For weapon, the mighty NC1 Gauss Rifle with RD 2x, thing is amazing.
I have two loadouts I swap between. In both cases, I run the base assault rifle with a 2x reflex and a laser sight, nanoweave armor, and C4. If I'm going to be fighting in a big group, I run the shield bubble and revive grenades. If I'm going to be fighting out in the open or in a low pop situation, I run the nano regen device and frag nades and add a flash suppressor to the rifle if it's dark. I'd eventually like to add a flashlight to my pistol, but that's a really low cert priority.
Unless your on the receiving end of this..... I was toying with a medic once on esamir. I was in a lightening (and on an awesome vehicle kill streak) and he was running round trying not to die in the variety of ways I had at my disposal. I laughed at his predicament. Then Bang. The sod C4'd me. Since that moment i hate C4 infantry with a passion!
I definitely do like C4 on my medic. Not because medic is the best class for it, but because I don't like feeling powerless in any situation. Having a weapon I can use against vehicles just makes the game more fun to play because I don't always have to hide like a rat when vehicles come by.
Well excuse me sir, but that tactic has saved me countless times from HE prowlers with a gatekeeper/vulcan I don't run c4 on medic, get blown to smithereens way too often before i reach the target.
Oh, I run away a lot. I just like to have the option, especially if I've got the Nano Regen Device to heal myself. I have, since I made that post, started running healing in that slot often when I have the Regeneration Field in my class ability slot.
I run regen aura because it's more versatile for me. Mostly frag grenades but depending on the situation I'll switch to rez nades. I used to always run nanoweave but I've been running advanced shield capacitor lately and actually like it more. I feel like explosives are far too easy to avoid in comparison to bullets to run flak.