Medic Gun Stops Working?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by JoshQuake, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. JoshQuake

    For some reason my medic gun just decided to not work. I hold the trigger and nothing happens, not even the green beam.

    Unsure if same reason, but just half an hour ago I had to restart the game because my bullets stopped registering.
  2. Azuriel

    The medic gun issue happens quite often. Just quick-switch to another weapon (1-4), and then back to the medic gun. Fixes it every time for me.

    I havent ever had my bullets not register though.
  3. Duckforceone

    I just started trying out the medic... stopped again, because i constantly had the heal gun stop working, and changing weapons didn't work. I had to go to a terminal, switch class and back again, to make it work.

    So something's not right.
  4. CrimsonDaemon

    I have had a few bugs like this happen. Normally I find that reloading the class at a terminal helps with whatever the problem is. When ever the medgun stops working for me, I will no longer be able to resupply from ammo packs either. I think its something that keeps you from interacting with the world. I know this bug was still in beta, but a lot more common and would even keep you from using grav lifts