I am having an issue with the medic gun. Sometimes when I go to revive someone, the wheel timer will begin to revive and then stop for no reason, forcing me to start over again. This happens regardless how close or how still I am standing. It is frustrating and causing me to get myself killed. Also sometimes the medic gun won't work at all and I have to switch weapons and then swap back to it to get it to work again. Is anyone else experiencing this? Is this a bug in the game or am I doing something wrong?
I'd imagine the first part is because the time to save them expired, and the second part is hit detection being fickle.
Its not the save time expiring because it lets me revive them after I restart and complete the cycle.
I haven't experienced the former, but the latter is a bug that's been around since early beta. Luckily it seems to happen much more rarely now and it's easy to fix. Once upon a time you had to completely exit out of the game to get rid of it. I've had more problems with squadmates not being given the option to revive even though I've used the tool on them.
Three problems here you need to be aware of. Lag, distance and bugged corpses. First of all, fallen soldiers who are in getting up position or doing a push up have already been revived, but the actual player needs to accept or decline the revival. Bugged corpse can't be revived, you get no process indicator on them. Lag is the most common one, you attempt to revive some one and the process indicator disappears indicating it's all done. But due to lag it might not yet be so, maintain the reviving beam a tad longer. This can be best experience when healing, maintain the healing beam going for a few sec longer often gives you an additional XP tick. If the soldier your attempting to revive doesn't, shift position, animating is doing a push up (face down) or gets half way to a stand up position than maintain healing a few sec long. If after 1 or 2 sec maintaining the revive process, your dealing with a bugged player. Distance, be close enough. Some times, not very often you can get a healing/revive process indicator where you are actually our of range. Attempt again but get closer.
I know that if anyone runs infront of you while you are using any sort of channel gun..(medic gun, nano repair gun), your action will be disrupted. Probably what is happening.