I don't try to steal the kills of others. Also, Clientside 2. Everything I shoot at has already been killed by the time the ally gunfire directed at it begins. -_-
Some people are a bit too sensitive. It wasn't meant towards you, I was merely making fun of the directive itself. In actual combat situations, you'll find getting a savior ribbon if you're fast enough to down an enemy before he kills a friendly (not kill steal), or when both of you are shooting at an enemy, the enemy is shooting at the friendly and you end up getting the kill (can jokingly call that kill steal, but it's really team play in action).
I know. I didn't think it was directed at me, I'm just stating that I don't pointedly go around trying to farm kills by following allies to steal their hard earned reward for their work. Yeah, savior kills are rediculous as a directive for medics. It might make sense for a max suit (as they can take on a large room of enemies simultainiously and are meant for environments where they can save friendlies). But the medic is better suited for assists, as they aren't exactly intended for going around leading the charge.
Why not? I'm frequently in the vanguard of an assault. I have a gun equal to the task and that is where heals and rezzes are most needed. If you can keep the front elements up and moving forward, their momentum lasts longer. So yeah, I do lead help lead the charge. That being said, I do agree that savior kills is stupid as a directive. Just for a different reason. I can run around healing and rezzing people. I can place my shield regen device in strategic places where I know people will take cover to let their shields regen. Since I do spend my time on the front lines, I also get my kills. I suppose while I'm at it, I could try to target enemy medics. That does seem a tad much in the midst of a chaotic firefight, though. If I have the choice between an immediate threat and a medic, I'm not shooting the medic. All of these things I can affect myself, through my active participation and efforts. Savior kills, however, are almost entirely incidental. They just happen. That is why I think they're bad for a directive.
"Why not?" Max suits, Heavies, and even infils (who can go invisible if they keep their timing down right with deepcloak) are far better suited for rushing in and either going guns blazing or flanking enemy forces by going straight through the enemy crowd (infils). Medics and engies are right in the back of the ideal classes for frontal assaults. It can be done, but you'll see more success with the classes better suited for it. That's not to say that medics can't do so, but they aren't as likely to succeed if they're the guy literally closest to the enemy, versus the classes that are intended for that area on the field.
Could someone of you, who got the NC Medic plating already post a screenshot of it? A few days ago I wanted it so much but since I saw the MAX one, I'm not so sure about that anymore... That's because I thought it was something similar to the Lumifiber armor for Infiltrators.
Hrmm, just got to master tier, kills / savior kills / medic kills returned back to 0, is that supposed to happen?
Medic Directives are alright, but what really boogers me are the f-king Harasser Directives.. There SOE has absolutely no idea what they're doing Basically me and my friend play together a lot, he has his Vanguard heavily certed and I have my Harasser, so basically he drives his vanny and I gun him and I drive my harasser and he guns me. Now logical expectation would be that he has plenty of directives for tank and I have plenty for Harasser... NOPE Vanny is fine, since 5 directives are achievable from the driver seat. But Harasser is flippin pain in the *** since it doesn't reward the driver in the least with only 2 out of 6 directives being achievable from the driver seat.. And don't get me started on the roadkill mechanics where driving 5km/h 10m away from friendlies will result in all of them magically dieing, but running straight over stationary enemies will leave them unharmed. But I guess SOE has some special explanation as to why reward the gunner with the shiny lumifiber instead of the guy who poured thousands of certs into the harasser and is actually driving it. Seriously every single one of the other vehicles has directives just fine and they aim towards the driver getting the reward. But I guess it was too much coding to change Canister/Enforcer/Halbert kills into Canister/Enforcer/Halbert driver assists and driver assist change into perhaps Max deploy kills since Harasser also works as light transport vehicle or you know.. anything that actually rewards the guy who pulled the vehicle and is using it, instead of random guy who hops in with you. Sorry about ranting about that in Medic thread, wasn't sure if this was worth creating new thread. But the point is.. Medic directives are fine.. imagine for example you would have to play non-medic class and be revived to get your medic directives
Ribbons are persistent, but each time you go up a tier the required kills, savior kills, and enemy medic kills will reset. This is intentional (sadly).
Enemy does about 50% damage or more to an ally, then you kill said enemy within about 2 seconds of the last time he did damage to said ally.
Dammit! I didnt want to get the shielding ribbons. Couldnt change my habits of using my AoE heal like an HA's shield kept on pressing F when using a shield tool and the engie's ammo pack in the middle of a fight
Hey Khopesh, seeing as you have completed the ARs, have you tried the gauss prime yet? If so, can you kinda briefly tell me if its worth the grind or not? From the stats it seems a little better than the default but not as good as the gauss s overall and I just want to know before I waste any more time on it. I'm about 40% through with the ARs currently.
I've Auraxiumed the Gauss Prime (I had all the AR's auraxed -NS-11P included- before the directives were introduced, so I got it the moment I logged in after the update ). I don't think it's particularly worth the grind, but it's not an outright terrible weapon, but it's definitely not great. The Prime is just a HV ammo Gauss Rifle with out the HV vertical recoil (thanks to the built in compensator) but in exchange it has horrible hipfire. It's not great for use against infantry compared to the VS/TR equivalent AR's (Each under it's ideal circumstance, the Prime is the least effective AI weapon of the three). One thing for sure, it really is a frustrating weapon to use if you don't have a med/close range weapon to alternate to when there are no ranged fights. Personally, I think the Prime should have gotten an Advanced Forward Grip to go with it, as the HV ammo makes the accuracy at range sub par. (The HVA bloom is it's undoing on the anti-infantry front.) The Gauss Rifle is already suited for ranged use, and while the HVA is nice for travel speed, it's HVA on a 167 tier bloom inaccuracy makes landing shots more difficult than it's worth for use on infantry. I find that this weapon is ideal for shooting light armor, like ESF's, harassers, and Max suits (I count maxes as light armor). The HVA can reach them faster, the added damage at range actually makes a difference on targets that can absorb that much fire power (unlike infantry, where it's the same number of shots to kill past 10m as the standard NC1, but with HVA bloom so you miss more), and the targets aren't nearly as small as infantry so you aren't forced to burst in rounds of 3 or less outside 30m. While the VS have easier to control fire power without sacrificing TTK, and the TR have SPA so they don't have added bloom: NC are left in the dirt when it comes to anti infantry use. The Prime; Doesn't benefit much against infantry with the faster travel speed (the standard Gauss Rifle already has a top notch velocity of 650 m/s). Doesn't benefit at all against infantry with the extended damage at range (same TTK in literally all situations thanks to possessing the same shots to kill requirement as the standard, assuming all shots land from both weapons). And all this for added inaccuracy forcing a massive drop in TTK by requiring long time differences between bursts along with low shot count per burst. This equates to the simple fact taht it's not a side grade for AI use. I recommend you don't use it unless you're fighting at +70m (where everyone's forced to single shot or at most fire in bursts of two), firing on a max without an engie at range, or if you're hoping to get lucky against an ESF/Harasser. Here's pretty much what I did as I was on my way to the Gauss Prime Auraxium medal. ++++Edit++++ Oh, forgot to add the Valk in on the list of light armor. Oh, and I Auraxiumed it before you got kills for taking out vehicles, so at least AV use is slightly more rewarding now. ^_^
Thanks for the detailed review. Really don't understand why SOE made prime so crappy by adding HVA when it does absolutely nothing really since the prime doesn't even get the HVA velocity benefit. Wish we can mod our directive weapons more. Guess I was wasting my time lol. I was trying pretty hard to aurax the other ARs, even though I wasn't too fond of many of them. Back to Reaper then
It does get the velocity benefit, it just doesn't tell you what it ups the velocity to (If I had to guess, i'd say about 680-700 m/s). Personally, I REALLY want to see attachments show the weapon's base stats, and show what they change to when you throw on an attachment that changes them. For example: Base NS-11A has 640 m/s velocity. Attach HVA and it changes to a green 670 m/s* Attach SPA and it changes to a red 610 m/s* Attach a suppressor and it changes to a red 440 m/s* Attach both SPA and a suppressor and it changes to a red 410 m/s* * These numbers are place holders. Each weapon's HVA, SPA, suppressor, and all other attachments effect the weapon seperately, as the stat bonuses or detriments are custom built around each weapon, and I don't actually know what they are for the NS-11A. Also note that this is not my idea. The first person to suggest this was kadney. You can find his post here.