If you're on your final tier of the Medic and AR Directives, post your progress. (I'm curious as to what other medics think about the medic kill requirement as opposed to the rest of the objectives.) I've been going for medic kills, yet I'm barely over 20% done there, where as I haven't even been trying to go for savoir kills and I'm at over 35% of the way to having it completed. I feel that requiring 800 is pointless, as you'll complete the savoir long before you reach 800 medic kills. As well, the ribbons are quite easy to get, so the only illogical choice seems to be the whopping 800 medic kills.) What do you guys think about it? ++++Edit++++ I've long since completed the AR's, but I might as well post that too. (I wish you got credit for the NS-11P in both the AR and "Exceptional" directive trees. It would be a wonderful incentive for players to scoop them up if they did this for all the "Exceptional" weapons, and would no doubt increase future sales of said weapons. Guess that's just me though...)
I completed my medic directive so I have no progress to report, but I'd like to comment on the medic kills requirement! As an aside, I completed the 300 savior kills when I was around 400ish medic kills (but I did intentionally shoot for savior kills) In the infiltrator directives and light assault directives they also have requirements to kill members of their own class, but I believe they make a decent case to be there while the medic's case is a bit of a stretch. An infiltrator can and will frequently counter-snipe other infiltrators who tunnel vision into their scopes hard enough to forget to move around a little A light assault will usually find other light assaults on top of roofs, giving a consistent source for light assault kills In what way will a medic consistently find other medics? Squads don't meet other squads and send off their medics to perform duels amongst themselves or anything like that What I'd like to see is if they'd replace enemy medic kills with a different requirement, say - the guy you revived goes on to kill someone else within a certain time frame. It'd be consistent in the "support your teammates" role, and would have nice synergy with other requirements (revive your buddy, heal your buddy, shield your buddy, save your buddy, get your buddy some kills) Although SOE might not have any sort of tracking for something like that in place, since it's not like you currently get XP for it (and probably shouldn't, since I think medic XP gain is already fantastic enough)
I'm not surprised that you completed your savoir kills first. In fact, I'd be surprised if anyone completed the medic kills before the savoir kills. And yeah, medics don't run into other medics nearly as often as counter sniping infils (or stalker infils. I love hunting for engie turret users and ranged snipers as a stalker with the crossbow and Magscatter) or LA's coming across their own on rooftops. Personally, I'd like to see medic kills either lowered (400 is about right IMO) or replaced. It wouldn't be tough to set up a revive kill tracker. They already have the software done for gal/valk/sundy deployment kills, so a good 80-90% of the coding is pre-existing. But I would like to see AR kills on the list instead. 800-1000 AR kills would be fine by me, considering that medic's the only class in the game that can use them, it seems like a logical choice.
Show offs... When I complete my HA directives, you shall bow down to your REAL master! Derp P.S. How to take pictures, O good Khope?
I use the screen shot function in Steam (F12 by default) but PS2 does have it's own screen shot feature (check your key bindings for the button), but I don't know where it saves them. From there, steam provides a way to upload them and I just link them from the steam cloud.
I use no Steam... Well, considering how I manage to play TF2 and Ghost Recon, I do have Steam, but not Planetside on Steam. Steam makes it easy
I got my Medic Directive last tier last night. I got Medics kill before the Savior (but was a close call). It was a painful experience especially because I got my directive resetted THREE times (each times with at leas 100 medic kills in them). So yeah, I share your pain Everything for an Auraxium infused plating that looks ugly with any Camo (with the exception of the truly purplish one). Well at least I won over SOE poor coding ^^
I don't understand why one of the six most important roles a Medic should do on your team is to hunt enemy Medics. That makes more sense on infiltrator. Please replace.
Congratulations! Yes, I've heard that the resetting was a major issue for people going for class directives, so I just focused on Auaxing my Gauss Prime. I hadn't started going for my shielding ribbons in the medic tier, so I was on my 3rd tier around the times of the reset issues, and only lost a few kills here and there.
Well, I actually got my 1200kills completed first, way ahead of savior kills. I guess lone-wolfing isn't the way to do saviors^^ Didn't touch shield ribbons since I got 60, but I'm at 240/300 Saviors and 620/800 medic kills. If you don't believe me, here's a link http://ps2.fisu.pw/directive/?name=s1ggi&category=7&directive=10 Somehow it doesn't show my 1200kills, but I swear I got them
I believe you, but of the +20 people I know and have talked to about it, only one is getting medic kills faster than saviors. The rest are all seeing saviors pull ahead by a lead so wide the Grand Canyon would turn green with jealousy. I just think that it's higher than it should be, as the majority of primary medic players are seeing that the medic kills take a ludicris amount of time longer (On Connery server at least. Of course, every server has it's own unique set of trending player influenced tendencies).
Same here, got around 400+ medic kills when I completed the directive. Medics are just simply too rare to find in fights that isn't a one -sided farm. Furthermore, medics usually hang back to provide support, decreasing your chances of killing them.
Exactly! While the other classes that are required to hunt your own class (infil and LA) are out in areas engaging the enemy, and can be intentionally hunted with relative ease, the VAST majority of Medics are in the thickest areas possible, surrounded by backup everywhere. Likewise, you're likely going to be going for more than just one field in the directives, so you're also probably in the same places on the opposite side healing and reviving, further ensuring you never run into another medic.
Medic kills was also the one not completed, savior kills ended up being a lot easier. Want to know what's a lot more painful than kill medics? Trying to complete air deterrent for the heavy. 1200 air deterrent badges ... yea right.
Yeah, the directives as a whole still have a ton of fine tuning to do. While the majority of the requirements are reasonable, some are just ridiculous. That and they feel very "Bare bones". Ideally, each area would have options like carbine and AR weapon categories. There are plenty of options for each, and you don't have to do a fair portion of the options available. The lack of options for many directives (the infantry class directives chief among them) feels rather insulting by comparison.
Congratulations! (I'm still at only about 380-400/800 enemy medic kills and 200/300 on savior kills, but my directives have been visually glitched and haven't shown the correct number for much of anything since the memory leak update a few days back. )
Savior kills, aka kill-steals (yea, yea, I know, not all of them), are a lot easier than finding the needed amount of X class to kill