Medic: Am I Missing Something or Is This Supposed to Happen?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheShrapnelKing, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. current1y

    No matter the actual numbers the 270 score per min you had last night you were doing juuuust fine. :). I bet it was a good farm.

    Haha no, just an experienced light assault. I also have been playing with FCRW for the last 40 levels and they have taught me a lot as well. Its non stop action with them so my stats are inflated due to the play style I have. My membership boost also helps that average xp by about 50% +100 due to the double xp weekends. So no aliens here sir :p
  2. DeusExForever

    Did you even watch the video? That's just the depth in configuring the healbox/raid monitor itself. Took days to get everything configured that I needed.

    Did you even have to configure your heal tool in comparison?


    No FPS game goes to that level of detail to make their prime method to heal that customized. That's not how FPS games are made. When you heal at that level though, playing a medic in a FPS game just won't cut it, period. It's not specialized enough (and there's little customization to improve the healing throughput ... and there's no stats to even strive for that specific for healers). In WoW I have HPS stats to watch that is like the K/D for shooters, 100% healing specific...

    So, no, the shallowness is the sheer need for more to do than being a glorified medkit, and just as boring to play.

    Thus, I rarely switch to that role and play something else in FPS games (well, until devs make a healing role as detailed as a MMORPG does it).
  3. Lucerin_SolTech

    It may not be in depth as far as the types and and amounts of healing, but a good situationally aware medic can make that squad you are fighting feel like a platoon.
  4. Valadain

    There are some Wrel videos on youtube that explain it in depth, but basically, an aggressive play style wins most even encounters. A reactive or defensive play style tends to lose encounters. The heavily boiled down version is that lag gives the advantage to whoever makes the first move. A suggestion that might help is, after you finish your medic duties and you see an enemy you want to shoot, duck into cover, check for bullet holes, then pop out firing.
  5. RobotNinja

    If you just want a bunch of XP, I suppose medic is fine. If you actually want to make a difference as a medic you should be in a coordinated squad or platoon although you probably won't make as much XP not reviving the horde. If you're just following the horde the majority of your rezzes will probably be the guys who keep running face first into bullets.
  6. Axehilt

    I don't need to watch the video. I healed in several MMORPGs, I know how healing works. The fact remains that being a good medic in PS2 (or any shooter) involves similar depth, it's just it's not about variation in how you're healing it's in what you're doing.
  7. Bankrotas

    I actually feel like **** playing medic :/ AR's feel weak, not tougher than LA and worse moving with less arsenal than engie or HA :/
  8. Plunutsud pls

    Used to play frontline medic on Ceres, always up there with the H-V45 and maxed med tool, did fine, averaged 1.5+ kdr most days.

    Revive grenades are mostly just a selfish way to earn certs. Raising a bunch of players with only 50% health under fire usually means they will all just go back down right away.