Med tool changes on PS4 that may come to PC.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blippy, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. JustBoo

    The very definition of Pointless. While Rome burns.... These guys missed their chance, they should be "working" in government.
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  2. BiggggBRIM

    All this does is create a problem that SOE will end up selling a solution for. Probably as a T4 implant.
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  3. Hatesphere

    yeah it needs to slowly regenerate over time. not fast enough to just be able to revive spam, but fast enough that if a squad is holding a building you can keep it up if 1 or two of then go down every 5 minutes.
  4. McToast


    Just give the medic tool a heatbar. Healing should drain it very slowly, reviving takes a whole heatbar + cooldown. A single medic couldn't sustain a whole zombie army because he couldn't chain-revive and it would make sense to have more than one medic in a team. Add a med bag as utility that can be dropped to slowly restore health to nearby allies (up to 1000% health in total for example, 10% every 2 seconds per player).

    Engineer ammo packs could be altered to instantly restore all ammo but have only a limited amount of "charges" (one charge = one magazine).

    Alternatively, med bags and ammo packs could both instantly restore ammo/health to the user but require manual interaction by aiming on one and pressing the use/interaction key (default e).
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  5. FnkyTwn

    It is a little silly that the Medical Tool can just be run indefinitely. Medics are important of course, but the tool should AT LEAST have a Heat mechanic to it. In fact, a long long time ago it was heat based. Not sure why they actually changed that.

    It shouldn't be based off Ammo Packs.
  6. WTSherman

    Honestly, I think it would be neat if each ammo pack had its own internal supply instead of running on a timer. So then, you have a definite fixed quantity of ammo that you are carrying around. Rockets would obviously cost more than bullets, and some bullets would cost more than others.

    Having to go all the way back to a terminal to resupply it would be annoying though. And it can't resupply off other ammo packs, because that would create a loop. Hmm... make it resupply off vehicle ammo sources? Give the Galaxy a big ammo box that can resupply smaller ammo boxes in addition to ammo?

    No it isn't. I'm destroying people on console right now.
  8. Regpuppy

    So much this. I have no opinion on the revive ammo concept itself, or I should say I hold conflicting opinions on it, but the "over-revive" thing is going to be painful during prime times.

    Aside from that, this will only push me from ignoring blues in sticky situations to ignoring any blue I don't recognize in all situations. Depending on how this works out, don't be surprised when otherwise good medics start ignoring you when you're not rolling with them. :p
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  9. ThreePi

    Ammo system needs to come to Engine tool as well.
  10. MikeyGeeMan

    Your not the average gamer.

    Mouse > gamepad

    Means more death which means they need to change the mechanic.
  11. eldarfalcongravtank

    ...and there goes my Medic career. t'was fun helping out teammates, will keep these times in good memory

    random: "why didnt u revive me u ******" :mad:
    me "sorry i was out of ammo on my medtool" :confused:
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  12. VikingKong

    Jesus... Getting rezzed is a rare occurrence as it is. Good job they added quick spawns, eh?

    Well duh. But you're ignoring the aim assist and the barely mobile targets.
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  13. maxkeiser

    Completely the wrong move by SOE. There are already too few medics half the time. Adding something else to discourage people from playing medic is hardly the way forward.
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  14. OldMaster80

    Yeah they did almost nothing to encourage teamplay. They only started a crappy mission system they have never cared to complete.
    And they changed redeploy: initially with idea to help team mates yo stick together and instead it became a pain in the *** for the game.
  15. Whatupwidat

    Great, as if most medics weren't ******* useless enough to the battle already.
  16. Crowne

    Wonder if this is aimed at getting more people to squad up.

    Right now, I revive everyone and anyone I can. If I had a limited number of revives, I might have to think about limiting myself only to members of my squad/platoon.
    Especially if it's far more likely the squadmates will actually accept the revive.

    This have any effect on Revive grenades? I spam those like an angry chimp throws [nastiness here]. Even pre-emptivelly when I anticipate an onslaught.

    Since healing isn't affected, people will really have to focus on finding themselves cover and keeping their heads down until I can get there to heal them too.

    It could have interesting consequences on tactical gameplay and the need for team cohesion imho.
  17. Jedesis

    ^ This, the player should not have to be spoon fed all the time.
  18. Turiel =RL=

    For reference - this is how it was in PS1:

    The Medic Tool was only accessible to Heavy Assault, because there was no Medic class. It would use resources that would fill the limited space in your backpack, but have no cooldown. Same with Engineers for their Repair Tool.
  19. Mongychops

    Hmmm interesting, it could be possible to balance.

    • Make the "ammo" consumption triggered by revive completion, not time spent reviving.
    • Allow it to be resupplied from ammo packs with a longer cooldown (like the UBGL).
    • Make MAX revives cost more "ammo" than infantry.
    • Perhaps add a method to allow you to restock some med-gun ammo through kills.
    • Perhaps allow you to still revive non-MAX players without suffiicient "ammo" but it takes much longer (10-12 seconds).
  20. JustBoo

    I respect people who play medic. But if one is not in that tight knot of players where the action is, it can be difficult to get revived.

    Here's how it will really work (the SOE Way) if they implement this. You die, wait to get revived... Oh no, the one medic off the beaten path has run out of Medic-Juice. You then 'redeploy' a KILOMETER from where you where, at a dead base and are completely taken out of the action. Given there are no spawn points even close to where you were, you now have to work your way back to the battle yet again.

    I now tend to just logout out now after having gone through a bunch of crap to get from the Warpgate to a battle in the first place. Enjoy.