So the game's been out for a couple years now and MBTs still dont have any new shiny toys to play with, here are my thoughts of potential new faction specific MBT turrets. NC- Titan Scatter Cannon - Lets be serious for a second, if NC needs anything its a shotgun as a main gun for the vanguard. SO heres my thought, you take the viper off the lightning, make it do slightly less damage per shot, and turn it into a shotgun that fires all 6 projectiles at once. BAM NC BABY TR- TR Chain Cannon - With a huge magazine and modest spool up time the TR chain cannon should act kind of like bigger, longer ranged marauder allowing the driver to paint any vehicles or infantry with a shower of tiny grenades. Vanu - Flux-something or another - Is a variant of the charge mechanic for the vanu main gun, it functions similarly to the other charge weapons only instead of changing how powerful the projectile. Charging will change the TYPE of projectile. So this gun will have a decent magazine size maybe 3, and can tap to consume 1 ammo and shoot (low bullet velocity/high drop) AI rounds with a modest blast radius, however when charged it consumes all 3 ammo and shoots a no blast radius anti tank round (high bullet velocity/low drop) obviously this will have slightly lower stats to compensate for it's versatility.
Scatter cannon: muhahahaa except, in order to kill infantry (infantry! we haven't started killing vehicles yet) you need multiple hits from the viper's cannon. You're going to.. make a viper round do less damage? At that point, those rounds deal less damage than the 40mm grenade launcher. Why would I want this garbage on my tank? Soo, no; an NC 'shotgun cannon' should fire of 7 rounds: one in the middle, 6 in a pseudorandom flower pattern around it. Give the weapon multiple fire modes: the 'spread' of the rounds can be adapted. TR chain cannon: see above, main difference with a viper is ? Vanu: most interesting I suppose, due to being both an AI and AV option.
Will those MBT main guns offer new alternative playstyle for tankers? Or will they simply outperform and replace current main guns? Those main guns will counter certain playstyles. How will those people react, will they think it is OP?
These models already exist: It would make more sense to use ones that already exist instead of making completely new ones.
I want a Magrider cannon that pushes other vehicles around and does minimal damage. Fun, unique, and possibly usable.
No i envisioned it doing the same damage, but the damage type would change, so for the charge it would have armor piercing qualities and for the non charged it could have heat qualities
So, while the NC one fires multiple rounds at the same time, and the Terran one showers enemy I and V with grenades, the VS one can't kill infantry with a shot, and the charge-up won't deal too much damage to vehicles. Yeah, why am I not surprised? How LONG will charging take?
Please no more shotguns for NC! Give us a rail gun or magnetic cannon, I would even take a wooden stick over more shotguns.
No more shotguns for the NC No more charge up weapons for the VS NC Railgun High alpha damage/ damage per shot Low fire rate TR Rocket launcher or what ever Low DPS Very high fire rate VS Plasma weapon Medium damage Adds burning damage to even out the DPS Medium fire rate Then make them require the same TTK on a max level armour sundy
Im afraid the next weapons they realese for tanking are going to be lock ons or coyote mechanics, we just need one guy to open a thread complaining about "tank gods" for SOE to dumb tanking down like they did with the air.
Yay, let's put the worst MBT AI Secondary as a primary cannon! Also, Vanu has to pay with charge up time to finally get its faction trait?
MBT weapons? NC Railgun, high damage AV weapon. Low elevation so it cant snipe planes that well, slower reload the AP, like 50% more dmg then Ap. TR: Idk really.. VS: New tank with a turret and a hitscan multipurpose laser.
the VS Flux should be a Tesla-like cannon the fires a coherent ion beam basically its a lightning gun (the natural phenomena not the tank) then it could do sustained DPS, use that mobility to your guys' advantage. the TR should get a 6 barreled rotary tank cannon, probably smaller caliber, but it sure would be fun the NC need a railgun, very low RoF but super high damage and super high bullet velocity, because high bullet veolicty should have been an NC trait anyways (either that or make the VS use actual lasers) it probably shouldnt have a large blast radius, but it should have a muzzle blast radius.....hehehe....i can imagine the Tks already actually all of these new guns should have a muzzle blast danger, that way there is an added challenge to using them
I agree. Basically a constant beam or a ray gun would be nice for the VS. I hate the VSs magrider partly because I sympathize for it. Give it an upgraded model that shoots a ray cannon. Perfect. The concept model shows a 4 barreled turret of roughly the same caliber as the normal ones. Not sure about this. Its both boring and not playstyle changing use as it's essentially just the normal prowler with double the function. It overlaps too much to be unique and thus is more of an "upgrade" instead of a "side grade". If you keep the firing mechanic like the normal 2 barreled system is, then it's basically a 4 barreled version of what we have an replaces the current mode. If you limit it's use to firing a whole volley all at once; hey that's great but now it acts like the NCs Rail Gun - Low ROF but high Alpha Damage. I think the TR should get a rotary Mortar system of some sort. Then it would play the role of indirect artillery while still feeling Daka Daka. Yes, yes and more yes. No blast radius. At all. For realz. The Rail Gun ideas popping around for the Vanguard all lead to it being turned into a Tank Destroyer type of Role. This is pretty insane concerning it has the Oh **** Shield. Have it have no blast radius at all so that infantry farming is practically useless. Man that would suck. Engineers and people running by you at all times in fights would get slaughtered and you'd have no way of noticing it. Tanks already run over their own because it's the better option to just STOPPING and causing oneself to blow up a flaming pile of infantry grinding debris due to the entire traffic jam piling into you. Having this would be even worse. Now you'd have weapon lock 50% of the time unless you were on a map with Open Fields... oh yeah... those are rare. The only thing good about this is that C4 bombers could be countered by the Main Gun now, indirectly. HAHA[/quote]
well, i thought of the muzzle blast because it does exists and it would allow the cannons to be slightly more powerful but there is a serious drawback to using them. the radius wouldnt be huge, you could still stand behind the tank and repair or even on the sides, but if you are too close to the front then you could take damage. i dont think they would ever put these ideas into practice though.....but oh well it was worth a shot higby said that indiret fire would probably never be implemented into the game in the form of artillery as for the TR.......maybe a 3 round burst cannon? me its hard to do anything for the TR because of the viper and the current TR weapons, the viper is automatic and can fire 6 round volleys and the TR tank is semi auto and it has 2 rounds......i really dont like the current concept model, i think it a lazy way of making something new, thus i do not consider it when i am thinking of this type of stuff. you could make the main cannon a larger version of the vulcan, but people would never let that happen because of all their QQing about the vulcan being OP again......... i think the NC really need a railgun btw
'Need' is all relative IMO. Atm, the NC already has the longest reload time, the TR are already whining about having to compensate for recoil, needing more shots on target etc. I'm kinda worried that enlarging those 'traits' can unbalance things. Example: shoot and scoot, or peek and shoot: for peeking around a corner and shooting once at an enemy tank you can bet I want to have the biggest meanest projectile available. -> Railgun. The TR could lob back 1,2,3 rounds, but if they need 10 rounds to do 1 railgun round it doesn't matter.
IMO adding a railgun would just feel like more of the same, but a viper shotgun would be tons of fun.