MAXes are dumbing down infantry gameplay

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by blashyrk92, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Ash87

    Just use a rocket launcher.
  2. Vanus Aran


    drop the tissue-boxes over this base.

    No seriously what stops this guy to become a Max as well?
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  3. Canaan

    MAXes themselves are not really the problem, it's the amount that are pulled. One MAX is relatively easy to kill or avoid, but there is never just one MAX.
  4. Snipe-yo-face-yall

    Another Max whine thread... Use a rocket, use a AV nade, use a turret, use some c4, use an SMG!!! MAXes can be killed to ya know... Huh, why can tanks farm infantry all day along with lolpodders but when someone get's in a Max and gets a few kills its OP?!
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  5. iccle

    Topic should really be: 'infantry who cannot deal with maxes are attempting to dumb down gameplay'.

    Maxes are formidable its true, but there are a variety of effective counters you can use such as Maxes, decimators, grenades, prox mines etc. If you don't use those you have no legitimate reason to comment.

    Last night for example we noticed loads of NC maxes piling up in the satellite base at a biolab preparing a max crash, we (and other outfits) setup a nice little ambush for them in the biolab. The maxes (around 20+) managed to get to one point before they were completely decimated. All this required on our part, was our squad re-configuring to have the right equipment for the job (av grenades, emp (for engineers/medics shields), frag grenades and dumbfire RL's.
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  6. blashyrk92

    No, but aircraft were nerfed to the ground, no - beneath the ground. Because "they were able to get easy killstreaks". Well guess what, MAXes are twice as capable of such killstreaks (especially now after the continuous nerfing of aircraft) and now there is seldom any point in pulling aircraft unless you really enjoy the air game, dogfighting etc.

    And last time I checked, aircraft and armor cannot be revived so why should it be possible to revive MAXes?
  7. Vaphell

    No, just no. They were nerfed because they were able to shut down every single battle with no problem. Air was the ultimate party pooper (and still is in low pop skirmishes), with HE tanks being close second. Remember people racing to BR100 with libfarmators? I do.

    If you and your flying brethren hadn't farmed the **** out of the ground for months, you wouldn't have everybody and their dog cert lockons and bursters and skyguards. You reap what you sow.
  8. Surmise

    I actually think if this game didn't have MAXes or just if they were at least half weaker than now, we would have much better player retention and population but that's just me..

    Not everyone is subscribed so they can go spam maxes all day instead of actually playing infantry, especially not new players.

    In short MAXes are cancer, too strong for nothing, just Cancer.
  9. Verenz

    If it were up to me then I would leave most MAXes as they are but make the cooldown timer like 10 minutes longer and remove revive completely from them.

    I like the idea of a teams MAX's being a valuable commodity and therefore also a valuable target. I think all vehicles should strive for this feel.

    If someone doesn't want to use anything but infantry then he shouldn't complain at low score etc because it is his decision not to utilise any of his resources.

    Then either give NC maxes more damage retention over range or a bigger mag and I would be happy.
  10. Unclematos7

    Right now there are 2 strategies in this game: MAX crash the point and MAX crash the other faction's MAX crash off the point.
  11. PWGuy93

    Pffft. I enjoy my heavy, anti vehicle grenades and shoulder launcher, don't ruin my fun with friendly Maxes blocking my shots. ;)
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  12. TGXSynaptix

    I love the MAX suit aspect of this game. I like playing as one and I like killing them as there is a certain satisfaction from taking one down specially 1v1. Taking them out would just make PS2 less unique. Is there room for further balancing, sure but right now it's pretty good imo.
  13. cruczi

    Yes, the game is completely void of vehicles.
  14. DjJazzman

    It hurts when I can't down a max in a full shotgun clip.
  15. Dramaticus

    Whats awesome is to charge into a room, kill a bunch of hapless nerds and then die to C4 which also ends up killing most of the people in the room you didn't kill.
  16. Shadowyc

    I think his point was that the answer to every problem in the game is to spam like-for-like. Too many vehicles? Spam vehicles. Too many aircraft? Spam them! Too much infantry? Spam vehicles and infantry!
  17. JudgeDeath

    I just dont see it how tactical usage of max units can be called "dumbing down" infantry gameplay ?[IMG]
  18. cruczi

    Yet for some reason, spamming infantry will take care of tanks, spamming aircraft will take care of infantry, spamming anything will take care of anything. Spamming is the least effective but the most universally applicable tactic which is why it is the only tactic used in unorganized public games.
  19. OldMaster80

    Yep, but this is nothing strange: superior firepower in battle helps a lot.

    Guess what? In this game everything has a counter and everyone can be countered by a well coordinated team with the proper gear.
    Personally I don't like how Max have been designed in PS2 and I prefered the role they had in PS1, but I don't think they're breaking the game.
  20. Critic

    In short, MAXes are noobtubes of PS2. Way too much power for such little skill requirement.

    Also, this:

    If skill were an option, why do you need to purchase better guns for your infantry? So you have better skill then the other infantry without them?