I don't know if I'm the only one but back in planetside 1 MAX's were monsters, and You were able to run up to a tank in a Max feeling like some sort of mechanical giant and load some explosive rounds into its hull, Now they feel so overpowered and weak and easy to kill, Anyone Else think that We should get a boost on their small arms fire explosive resistance and Health?!?! to make them the Once again Mechanical Feared monsters they once were? So they don't die from 1 C4, or 1 mana turret hit.
I agree that MAXes should be stronger, getting a shotgun blast in the face as a MAX is just plain horrible. Whoever thought that headshots on a MAX was a good idea should rethink of what a MAX is supposed to be, a vehicle, not some infantry class.
With ZOE they need to take one of the nerfs out. If it is going to have a cooldown, then get rid of that 30% extra damage taken. If it is going to take 30% more damage then get rid of the cooldown. Better yet just give us something else entirely.
I completley agree with that I'm an NC player but the ZOE on the Vanu MAX's Made the Vanu a bit more challenging and somethign they are supposed to have The fastest Most mobile max It made your max incredible and versatile as well as Harder to face just like all MAX's should be!
the IWIN shield, is just to make our max more Turtly to make up for the fact that it literally has a zero compatability for long range battles so we can get close enough if possible to hit you guys with shotguns, aside from that all MAX's still dont have the armor and HP they should
ZOE was plain boring and uncreative before. It still is. Nothing they rebalance about it will change that. But I've given up on it. We won't get a berzerk mode, or maneuvering jets (think Hawken). I think it'd be neat to give MAXes a more distinctive role, a bit more "lumbering Infantry tank". Maybe a slower turn speed for more than 90° turns? In turn, they could get a slight health boost. 10% would already be significant.
An easy way to fix this is to stop the "Death of a Thousand Chickens". Make MAX units invulnerable to small arms fire (like some vehicles) except for the MCG, Lasher and Jackhammer for the Heavy Assault class. Damage from explosives, rockets and vehicle weapons stays as is. Unless you are a Heavy with the appropriate loadout, you RUN!
What I would like to see on MAXs: Significant increase in cost Increase in health to ~2250-2500 Increase the standard small arms and explosive resistance (say 85% and 25% respectfully) Slowed aim speed (like tank/phalanx turrets) Smoke when low on health (but not catch fire like vehicles) Automatically show up on minimap within 40m Show health bar/IFF up to 20m Slight buff to ZOE or new mobility ability and large buff/changes to Lockdown and Aegis Make standard NC AI weapon (and variants) high damage MGs Add new special AI weapons similar to HA heavy weapons (MAX MCG, Lasher, reworked Scattercannon) Add new (empire specific) AA weapon Change Vortex into a continuous beam weapon instead of a charge cannon Addition of performance slot for things like increases in look speed, movement speed, etc
Stuff like this except the look speed their meant to be infantry tanks but lets not make them useless and the small arms resitance should be 90% I have kinetic armor 5 for the small arms resistance 86% doesnt cut it.
suuuure. And game was running perfectly smooth for everyone, even on my toaster before the performance updates.
I don't really see much wrong with the NC max. Watch this video if you disagree. ZOE wasn't over powered when you look at the fact that Vanu's tank is under powered. The way I see it, is not all things should square up perfectly. One empire should have a niche versus another. Vanu had the Max which everyone complained about. To be honest I think they just over nerf the most popular factions and buff the low pop factions. Vanu have always seemed to be a noob choice faction because of the sci fi element I think. I went with vanu starting out because I honestly liked shiny lazer guns lol. Had nothing to do with bullet drop or easier to play or whatever. But because of this they will make them under powered for no reason because of the art work preference.
MAXes have no problem with power for cost, but general use is lacking. They are less flexible and often carry less total firepower than a heavy Assault, and they are mostly just used as a slightly more durable Infantry. I think a turnspeed cap is exactly what they need. You got a 150° cone, and if you move to fast to either side, outside of that you are slowed down, in exchange for a slight increase in resistance. Or maybe just a flat 5 damage reduction after resistances. Would still allow them to aim, but create a weakness against Infantry close in without support. NC maxes could gain a meter of effective range to compensate. Really it's all just theory craft. Whatever happens, they currently just don't have a sufficiently different feel to regular Infantry.
Ya, I think i'd agree with that. The aquistion times are too short, it creates swarms of tanks and outclasses infantry. I played the vanu faction with certs mostly geared toward infantry when I started playing and then when I moved to TR and NC I only certed out the heavy assault and my main tanks and preferred vehicles. It was a sad mistake to cert out the infantry. I could go around as a useless infiltrator and shoot people in the head that will just respawn 14 seconds later or I could hunt the sunderers that spawn the people and actually be of use to anyone, and if there is a sunderer somewhere, there are going to be lots of tanks. So the only way to win is to have a tank certed out. The other issue is getting gunners for ones tank. It's hard to find them because everyone who plays vehicles more will be driving a tank. If they create less tanks by increasing the aquisition timer, then maybe their'd be more willing gunners.
Aq timers don't really do anything to stop tank zerging; if you get 48 players who just logged in today, you got a full tank platoon