I spend less than 12% of my time in MAX suits. I've just simply used MAXes, to good effect, for a while now. So I'm saying I understand the mechanics. You, on the other hand, are just an @sshole.
Sounds good if they worked like MAXs in PS1 that could only be killed by heavy weapons and rockets. If your going to make them not revivable small arms need to have no effect. Like you said its a tank that walks why do pistol rounds hurt it. But we both know this isnt going to happen and since its a F2P game SOE they will keep it as is.
I did not say it was a tank, and some vehicles do take damage from small arms. A MAX that requires heavy weapons / rockets/ explosives to kill could potentially ruin infantry combat for a lot of people without serious limitations on it.
Plus, if you make VS ZOE MAX impervious to small arms fire, it will be much more difficult to down them...
I like the idea of needing medic and engi to revive a max, on top of that i would like to see either a damage nerf or more restricted availability.
Can we decrees small caliber armor from 80% to 50% on all maxes, and boost Kinetic armor so it gives 5% increase on level? This will mostly heart ZOE max, since he gets more damage already. Rest of maxes stop being so powerful. This will increase balance between max and infantry.
Actually PS1 MAXes could be killed by small arms fire, even with AI (White) ammo. And you had AP (Gold) ammo available that let you kill them faster. They also didn't have auto-repair available, and ALL PS1 infantry except infils could carry rocket launchers. Do you really want to go down that road? I personally think that MAXes are pulled too often by players during infantry fights as an I WIN button, and something should be done to decrease their numbers in these situations. I'd like them to be more situational when used for AI than they are now (especially ZOE MAXes) and decreasing TR/VS AI weapon accuracy to something more in line w/ NC MAXes is a good start. Rez times should also be drastically increased as well - but then I feel rez times are too quick in general so I might be a little biased there... At the same time, MAXes are vital for defenders to push back against an onslaught of enemy vehicles camping a facilitiy and so I think they're AA/AV ability might need to be increased a tad - at least their survivability anyway. At minimum they need to be given PS1's travel mode so they can get around outside w/o being totally dependent on vehicle transport. I wouldn't be against giving them a bit more armour vs vehicle attacks as well. In short, I'd like to see them used less for AI and more geared towards an AA/AV role.
ZOE is the problem. Specifically, how much other MAXes underperform when compared to it. Thus, MAXes need a blanket buff. (And a rework from ground up too. The supposed MAX update didn't bring anything but new guns and those %##^! abilities). Gelding MAXes would be bringing PS2 closer to other games. That would be bad, PS2 needs more 'Planetside' in it, less 'Battlefield'.