No. You kill the person, not the chassis, The MAX doesn't explode. This is wahy it's a hybrid. When you destroy vehicles you destroy the metal part, and you die because the vehicle explodes. You can get out a vechicle, you can't get out a MAX. This is by design, this is not an opinion. Stop complaining and deal with them.
Maxs should require a biolab to pull (like tanks/tech plants) and they should only be able to be pulled at Large bases, but not from out door terminals (multiple cap points). Any base that only has 1 cap point shouldn't be able to spew out maxs. It creates a well known effect where you focus all your numbers to defend a single place with tons of Skillsuits. It's boring and skill less.
Or maybe you destroy the chassis AKA "the metal part", killing the person inside. It's still a suit. A suit can be destroyed just like a vehicle, and if it's better for balance that's how it should work.
The Max Suit should be destoyed when it dies. You revive the user but not the suit. The max unit is much more powerful then a standard infantry unit. If your going to argue that it IS a standard inantry unit the need to nerf it HARD.
No. It's bad enough that I have to share my infantry resources with my MAX resources. I can barely pull one as it is. Further more, how can you justify a MAX that costs 350 resources when an ESF only costs 250? And air resources aren't used for anything other than aircraft. Fail.
As a long time MAX user, I agree 100% Along with this change, we should also only allow MBTs, Lightnings, Harassers and Sunderers to be spawned at warp gates. The same goes for all aircraft: Liberators, ESFs and Galaxies should only be spawned at warpgates as well. Sound good?
Galaxy with tractor beams on the bottom. Hover over MBT, hit the 'activate special' key on your Galaxy, tractor beam module fitted, four beams reach out from the center of the Gal, one on each corner of the MBT, hauls it up under the Galaxy. When dropping off, hover within 50m of the ground, hit release. MBT drops to the ground. Game on.
yeah sure. let's give more power to top indar warpgate. let's make them extremely powerful with rashnu in their hands against the bottom right warpgate. AKA with current rotation: we got ZOES you got nothing yo.
Reduce the DPS and overall damage output of a MAX by a fair margin, increase the resistances and total health of MAX units by a similar number. Get rid of ZOE, add Jump Jets. Re-tool the other ESAs to be more useful alternate options to charge and then re-tool the individual empire MAX units to make them *cough* EMPIRE SPECIFIC *cough* Make each empire's MAX unique in some way, faster/frailer, tougher/slower, etc. Then actually make empire specific weapons for the MAX units instead of having two empires be copy and pastes of one another and the third having shotguns that don't hit anything past spitting distance. Gauss Cannons? Lashers? Vulcans? Who knows, but take away the boring as hell AI weapons we have now. Then make it so people have to cert into pulling a MAX, like 200 to unlock it or something. Whatever amount it takes to keep spammers from wasting their certs on a spam tactic. Not saying it will solve the problem, but it may alleviate it to an extent. Perhaps make it so when you cert into MAX pilot you loose access to another class? I wouldn't mind that, don't know about anyone else though. Becoming a MAX pilot should be something that one has to consider carefully and be rewarded appropriately for their efforts. It should NOT be the spam tactic it is now. Raise the skill floor somehow, raise cert costs… I don't know, but the class as it is now is garbage. Anyone can pull a MAX and do well, if the spend a few certs they can do even better. It's currently the class that everyone runs to when the going gets a LITTLE tough and then the other side does as well. This makes almost everyone hate the class and then call people who use it "skill-less", which sucks because I know I'm a damn fine MAX pilot and I've fought against and with other Waterson MAX pilots who are crazy good as well. However, because of the state of the class, I'm a newb who can't play without a crutch… I BEG SOE to do something about this, completely re-vamp the class and make it an actual COMMITMENT to get into, not an "OMG" I need to win button that anyone can play. - Quiiliitiila
I'm fine with MAXs being revived, they just could raise the amount of time needed to revive one by let's say, the double the time? It's still no big deal for the medigun lvl 6 but would help those rightfully camping the enemy MAXs corpses.
And what all this boils down to is InfantrySide2 guys whining that they cant solo a max when they run face first into them with their 0 cert 15 second spawn unit...
Nope. That's the strawman you built in order to avoid to having to invest any time in the discussion. 0/10 and F for effort.
I hate how everything revolves around maxes, it makes for extremely boring game play. There are simply too many of them and they are too powerful. If it was up to me i would cut the AI damage in half.
no problem with MAX being OP. mucho problem with it being so cheap to deploy, and the more area you control or the more people you kill, it's easier to deploy one. which makes 10000% backa$$ward.
I read recently on the forum a suggestion for MAXes to be all given the range of the NC MAX. Brutal up close, pretty useless at range, making them situational tools to break apart an entrenched position, rather than all-purpose killing machines. I found it interesting and worth repeating.
Infantry is what we got too much, everthing revolves around them and their whining. "i got killed by X, Y, Z that was not infantry and i cant solo it... NEERF!!!"