MAX Punches Peirce Armor

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, May 18, 2013.

  1. Laraso

    Lots of people seem to think that the MAX punch is identical to the knife. For example, I recommended to someone that they should try to MAX punch enemy MAXes if they end up having to reload in the middle of a CQC fight, and they responded "a knife takes like 30 hits to kill a MAX, that would be useless".

    The MAX punch is exceptionally powerful. It pierces armor, and can kill an enemy MAX in only five or six punches if I remember correctly. You can destroy tanks using the MAX punch alone (although it probably wouldn't be worth the effort). Don't underestimate the MAX punch.

    The more you know.
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  2. Xind

    Most fun thing you can do with a MAX suit:

    Walk up behind an AV base turret and begin to beat it to death. The gunner can get out and fight a max or be crushed to death by pendulous metal fists.
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  3. RHINO_Mk.II

    Takes 8 MAX Punches to kill another MAX from a test in VR today. Vehicles can only be damaged from certain positions with the punch. On a sunderer, aim for the equipment terminals from underneath. ESFs can be hit from underneath. Haven't spent much time trying to find hitboxes on other vehicles.
  4. PieBringer

    I knew the MAX punch could damage Flashes, but every time I've tried it on anything else (even ESF) it didn't do squat.

    Will have to test this immediately.
  5. Liquid23

    punch is safer than charge... when I use charge in battle i generally run over just as many friendlies as enemies
  6. Cougarbrit

    Goddamn it I knew it, they called me crazy but I knew it!

    Now I'll prove them all wrong! Well, you will.
  7. MNO

    Already knew it. I've punched many-a-base-turrets to death.

    It was more of a *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* "GET OUT OF THE TURRET AND FIGHT ME" situation though.
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  8. PieBringer

    After what testing I could do on my own, and what the VR could provide, I've come to the conclusion that MAX punch detection is similar to anything else against vehicles, in the way that it's where you are that matters, not where you hit.

    It seems for most vehicles the place to be standing for MAX punch to deal damage is closest to it's center mass, I'll see if I can recall it correctly.

    Harasser: On the sides, where there would be doors.
    Liberator: Again, the sides, fairly close to the largest part of the wings.
    Lightning: On the side, very close to the "block" across the middle directly infront of the turret.
    Galaxy: I wasn't able to find a spot I could damage it from, would appreciate it if someone else can find that sweet spot.
    Mosquito: Directly behind the wings, most notably between the wings and the engines.
    Scythe: Inbetween the prongs on it's back, standing very close to the middle block. I didn't bother trying the front, so I'm not sure if it's possible from that angle.
    Reaver: Since it's backside is angled upwards, it made it fairly easy to get UNDER it.
    Sunderer: Again, from the sides, where the AMS terminals would be while deployed. However, unlike stated before, I was able to deal damage while standing up, rather than having to get under it.

    MBTs: This is a fairly tricky one, as most of their hull around center mass is fairly bulky.

    Prowler: Directly onfront of the turret, assuming the turret is pointing forward. If it is in it's default position (as in when it's spawned.), you can stand directly next to the main gun's barrels ontop of it to deal the damage.

    Vanguard: With the turret in it's default frontal position, I wasn't able to reach the spot... So I had to spawn my own, and turn the turret an entire 180 degrees. It's not even where the barrel would be, it's the front part of the turret behind the barrel, which is only out of the way in certain rotation.

    Magrider: This was the trickiest, as it's very oddly shaped, and I couldn't really get under it with it parked. The oval-shaped bit on it's top where the secondary gun is placed, about a single infantry worth of space from that part's front, on either side, but not on top.

    I hope I made these locations descriptive enough to be of actual help. As an added side note, I didn't bother trying with any phalanx turrets, as I would have had to go all the way to that tower in the VR. I honestly was too lazy to make that trek.

    P.S.: I died several times in these tests, due to going all the way to vehicle destruction. It took significantly fewer hits for each ESF than anything else, with the harasser coming the closest. (I didn't count how many punches each one took.)
  9. Zaik

    you can't damage tanks with it unless they changed it very recently.

    you can damage sunderers with it very slowly though. if for some crazy reason you were able to crouch under an enemy sunderer undetected but had AI weaponsyou could probably freak people out by damaging it with melee
  10. Zombo

    THAT i need to do RIGHT NOW
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  11. Marinealver

    I wish the MAX punch could have some sort of stun effect. Also if you stun or knockdown a softie you could be able to do an execution move. (Imagining a TR MAX lifting up a foot over a knocked down NC Heavy Assault and setting the foot down while engaging the spike lockdown on top of him then moving on to the next target.)
  12. Chiss

    I demand someone punch an ESF out of the sky and post a video.
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  13. Sifer2

    That's cool but not that great since every vehicle even the Flash can roadkill a MAX lol.
  14. Laraso

    The MAX punch has always been able to damage tanks...
  15. Arquin

    1. Use jump pad
    2. Land on an enemy ESF by influencing your flight path
    3. Start punching it to death
  16. RHINO_Mk.II

    Fixed. Even though coming into contact with the ground is safe, landing on a vehicle is instadeath.
  17. Macchus

    so we should all max rush enemy armor from now on ... would be nice if we had emp grenades again lol have one LA emp a mbt then have 20 maxes rush it and beat it to death
  18. NinjaTurtle

    Laraso why u give info to the enemy :(
  19. Eclipson

    I had no idea o_O I think i'm going to try to sneak my Max suit under and sunderer and just start punching it to death. The enemies going to have no idea what the heck is going on :p
  20. Nyscha

    Old news.

    It can punch sunderers/turrets to death as well.