Max lumifiber

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Bastid721, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. Bastid721

    How do you turn it on? Or is it on all the time?
  2. Octoknight

    Um...I guess you mean Zealot Overdrive for VS max. It's an ability. You equip it and press F.
  3. Rogueghost

    For recruitment rewards you can get Max lumifiber, I've never seen it used however, I would assume you turn it on and off with the same keybind that turns laser sites and flash lights on and off.
    • Up x 1
  4. Bastid721

    Ty rogueghost i'll go try that out.
  5. Bastid721

    not working...damm i must be dumb not being able to figure this out.
  6. Bastid721

    might be camo blocking it.
  7. Jaeger41

    Or maybe you have additional armor equipped??
  8. BITES

    Let me clear up a couple of bits here I have the Lumi-fibre and use it constantly:

    You can't its on all the time, get prepped for bullet magnet time.

    Its not a camo .. or an additional cosmetic slot, its an Armour, so if you have it on, no other armour can be equiped, or you dont get lumifibre

    This is more likely .... with any camo (Currently) it blocks some of the lumifibre lights.