This isn't a brand new idea but the recent resource changes gave us a taste of what it might be like. What if MAXs cost as much as they did before the recent change to 450 nanites but were unrevivable? Once you're down you're down and it's time to respawn again. But at lowered cost, you can continue to pull them. This allows a number of things: 1.) Those who lose a MAX can pull again without completely depleting their resources. (Cause we all know how easy it is to lose a MAX unexpectedly) 2.) Will make MAX players more tactical in their gameplay. 3.) Rewards players for killing MAXs as they know that they'll have some time before that MAX player is back. 4.) Forces players to work as a team to protect MAXs. Just like all the other vehicles in the game, a MAX is a force multiplier and should be treated like all the other force multipliers... you have it until it dies and then it's gone. I'd be up for discussing some changes to MAXs that might need to be made for this to happen as well (ie better resistance to c4 and rockets, charge being standard for all MAXs but having ranks if you want it like AB for aircraft)
Please keep in mind that the current state of the resource system is not final. That said, personally i think everything needs hitting with aquisition timers again until the next part of the resource revamp lands. All the first update accomplished was giving everyone a flat rate income (great if youre being warpgated) but thats basically completely removed the limits that the old system had, which is why everyones seeing so many more MAXs, tanks, etc.