MAX Equipment Jamming

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by AlcyoneSerene, Aug 12, 2020.

  1. AlcyoneSerene

    Running NC Max with dual gorgons and shield causes all infantry weapons and equipment to cease functioning completely. Bug seems to be triggered by simply dying in a max, and can still happen on max revive. Prior to this, I've observed VS Max causing cloak to permanently be broken once switching into infiltrator. Something about using Max class causes these bugs. Only a game restart fixes it. Seems to happen very often, making it hard to achieve summer directive for Max use. Please fix.
    • Up x 1
  2. darkstarzx2

    I've been having this issue too on my NC MAX. It never happens when using ScatMAX, only when using Gorgons. No way to fix besides exiting to the main menu and going back in.