[Suggestion] MAX Directives Need Improvement

Discussion in 'MAX' started by toxs, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. toxs

    MAX directives are bad. Air deterrence and vehicle destruction are brain dead boring. MAX punching is stupid game play, why should it ever be rewarded? ( silly, like getting roads kills for a liberator)

    Quick, enjoyable, profitable solution!

    Move MAX to the weapons category. Auraxium any 8 weapons to receive MAX Auraxium directive. It is practical and grind worthy. Since 8 weapons would be needed, the player will likely spend actual money to complete this directive. Good for business!
  2. SubDelt@

    I agree. Though, not with everything.
    Air deterrence and vehicle destruction are there because directives are made the way that you have to excel at all the class aspects and fulfill it's general purpose to get the highest reward. Medics heal and revive, so they have healing/reviving/shielding ribbons as objectives, light assaults fly around killing and c4-ing stuff (kills and vehicle destruction objectives) and etc. So, I'm personally ok with Air det. and vehicle destruction.

    My only concern is the MAX Punch objective, which is pretty ridiculous from my point of view, having to score 1160 punch kills. The reason why is because of how much time it will take to get all those kills. When a player sees a MAX, there are 2 possibilities (most of the time): that player will just run away once he/she sees you, or, if there're other teammates around, stay and try to kill you with their help. In the first case that player will just outrun you, which results in you not getting that punch kill. In the 2nd case you may get that one punch kill, but the rest of the enemy team will just eviscerate you. Sometimes those scenarios mix, and the player runs away even when there's a team around, which results in you dying without even getting that precious kill. Ofcourse, in any way you can just fall back if you see too many people, but that won't get you any kills either. And you won't be able to sneak up on anyone with MAX, mostly because of the loud and unique footsteps it makes and because MAXes always get the most attention from enemies. So, the average case scenario here is that you get 1 punch kill per 1 MAX life. Lets do some math here now. 1 max life = 450 nanites = 9 minutes of waiting (50 nanites/minute) from the moment of buying a max until being able to buy another one. 1160 kills would require 1160 max lives, which is 10440 minutes, which is 174 hours of pure MAX punching gameplay. Even knife kills don't require that much time, mostly because other classes are much more agile, can actually sneak up on people, can equip the said knife to use it faster, and, when they die, can just respawn without any limitation whatsoever.
    Sure, those numbers don't apply to each and every player in the game. Those are just my personal observations. I personally have never ever been able to get more than 1 punch kill per life myself. Maybe it's just me being so bad with MAX. Also, during ~450 hours of playtime I have, I myself was only killed like 2 or 3 times with MAX punch.

    My suggestion here would be adding 4 more objectives to the MAX directive. The first 3 are: AA-MAX kills (killing players with AA-MAX weaponry, which is pretty much just Bursters), AI-MAX kills (killing with anti-infantry weapons) and (you guessed it) AV-MAX kills (killing with anti-vehicle weapons). It's just the same way infiltrators having SMG and sniper rifle kills, and light assaults having carbine and shotgun kills. As far as I remember, you already have MAX weaponry sorted into those class categories and that would fit into the MAX general purpose, since MAX is basically just a killing machine. The 4th objective I'd like to suggest is a faction-specific objective (if it's possible) that is related to MAX's special ability. I don't remember what special abilities do TR and VS MAXes have, but for the NC MAX that ability would be Aegis shield. NC's MAX objective could be "Covering (insert another fancy name here): absorb N amount of damage with Aegis shield", or "cover N people from bullets coming their way using the Aegis shield", stuff like that (I personally prefer the first one :>). That would also fit the NC MAX, since sometimes MAX can act as a bullet sponge.
    And, ofcourse, if you add all those objectives suggested above, that would make their total count being 9, so you'd have to increase the requirement from 5 to, let's say, 6 or 7 (for the final tier). That way, having MAX Punch auraxium medal (somehow) would still contribute to the directive, but wouldn't be a mandatory for everyone.
    You could also just cut the requirement for the final tier from 5 to 4, so we don't have to do all those punch kills, but, in my humble opinion, the more variety the better.

    As of the MAX weaponry medals, I'd like to just see them as an another separate directive in the Weapons tab.

    Thank you for your attention.

    P.S. Those are just my personal opinions, observations and suggestions. No offense (just in case).

    P.S.S. I spent more than an hour writing this post, please don't ignore it :>
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  3. toxs

    MAX abilities summed up:

    NC - Shield - defense based ability in exchange for no fire power
    VS - ZOE - increased fire power in exchange for less defense
    TR - Lockdown - increased fire power for no mobility
    NS - Sprint
    NS - Ammo storage

    At this point there are about 63 players that have completed the MAX directive. This is the least completed directive besides Valkyrie and bounties. I hope we can convince the developers that the MAX directive needs to be balanced to be in average with the other directives. The time and resources needed to complete these directives is unreasonable.
  4. Goretzu

    They just need anything so you don't have to complete MAX punch, or drop the numbers on it to about 10%.
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  5. SubDelt@

    Well, yea. The TL;DR version of my huge post is "Make the MAX Punch objective optional for the MAX directive". Everything else is basically the reasons why and some suggestions how to do that.
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  6. BITES

    You left out "also bugged due to physx being disabled, splash damage goes directly through the shield"

    MAX Punch directive still isn't hard to get, I completed it well over a year ago....now up to 3023.
    Simply takes some out of the box thinking and skill to manuevere yourself into prime positions for smack downs.

    With the amount of time you've spent chasing this change you almost could have had it by now.
  7. Goretzu

    The issue isn't whether it is possible (it is), it is more whether it is reasonable (it isn't).

    There's stats somewhere of how many have completed the MAX punch directive, pretty sure it has one of the lowest completion rates around.
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  8. BITES

    I agree an alternative would be "nice" in some regards, eg with the upcoming construction "Base destruction" as AV loadouts and sieging enemy fortifications will become a key role when it goes live.
  9. PanzerGoddess

    well looky there, one of my favorite enemy max units lol, hiya BITES!
  10. Covah

    Max punch directive is not impossible, but it can be VERY long to obtain.

    As TR, play as a POUNDER AI, shoot 1 time and max punch, the guy is dead.

    Or just go at an empty enemy base and smash turrets to death.

    And never forget to smash NC max in the face when they are reloading their OPguns , always satisfying.
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  11. Azawarau

    Falcon max here

    Punching infantry or enemy max suits 1V1 saves lives
  12. BITES

    Word ... its often badly represented but the entire suit is a weapon, use it as such.

    /tiphat howdy
  13. Cable

    where do u see the 63 players that got it done. thx

  15. toxs

    Pay to win directive? If you have membership and resource boosts you can use MAXes continuously at every fight with little to no worry. Those with out the benefit can not spam MAX. We wait for a juicy opportunity and then hope it is not a flop.

    No more than any vehicle directive.
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  17. BITES

    You can't really spam with it either.

    450nn per MAX
    750nn Pool
    Income at MAX (dual boosts and membership) +140nn [memory value of doing this once to see how much you could do this or if spamming was viable *spoiler* it's not * no one would do this as its fiscally stupid to maintain]

    0s @ 750nn
    Pull MAX -200nn
    30s @ 200nn
    60s @ 340nn
    90s @ 340nn
    120s @ 480nn
    Pull MAX -200nn
    150s @ 30 nn
    180s @ 170nn
    210s @ 170nn
    240s @ 310nn
    270s @ 310nn
    300s @ 450nn
    Pull MAX -200nn
    330s @ 0 nn
    360s @ 140nn
    390s @ 140nn
    420s @ 280nn
    470s @ 280nn
    500s @ 420nn
    530s @ 420nn
    560s @ 560nn

    So by running DUAL resource boosts (@ 270DBC each for 7day), and a membership over 10 minutes you can pull 3 (maybe 4) Maxes, this is a WORST case scenario ... not the norm (eg not many run resource boosts). One every 3 ish minutes "spam", sure if you can maintain one for 3 minutes per time (eg being defensive and worrying about KD stat padding, which seems to be toxs style) it can be done. But you also need to dump money into the game.

    But saying you have to "SPAM" at every fight for this directive? ... nah I'm sorry you're wrong there.

    Currently MAXes have more counters than any other class, or playstyle in the game and can easily be single Heavy assault killed (AV gren + Decimator), or sniped to death from a range they can't even retaliate from (Archer).

    Is bang on.
  18. toxs

    Time spent in maxes vs. time spent in vehicles vs. number of directives completed.
  19. toxs

    If I kill a MAX, they are able to pull two more back to back. You have to factor in time of respawing, equipping MAX and making their way to the battle area. Yes, always having the ability to pull a MAX at every fight makes this directive much more easier than a player unable to spam it. Sorry you are wrong, unlimited MAXes makes this directive far easier.

    Thankfully this is not a subreddit in which I would be banned for defending my opinion or countering any personal attacks. On a side note you all should be looking for friends, and inspiring other players to play MAX. Staying true to elitist play styles, and attitudes not only hurts the MAX community, but gives more ammo for the anit-MAX players to have their way. I know you all worked long and hard for this brain dead grind of a directive,( iam not trying to take away your pride and joy, just trying to make the directive fun) but in accordance with other directives, this one is sub par.
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  20. BITES


    But they can't ... I just covered that. At best after you kill them another can come 120s after the first, post that you're looking at 3-4 minutes plus.

    And that is assuming they have double boosts (EXTREMELY RARE) .. and a membership. So someone paying EXTREME high rate, can BARELY achieve what you're implying. None of which I'm pretty sure Nukabazooka used to get it THREE TIMES.

    Lets not lie shall we? Everyone can read for themselves how volatile and repugnant you are here:
    NOTE: Toxs has deleted his account so his are shown as "[DELETED]" posts, probably out of embarrasment.
    You further abused me here:

    Thats why I created the MAX subreddit, somewhere we as MAXes could discuss things without being abused by people such as yourself:

    What really undermines the community is people being abusive or using stats as a reason to abuse another person. I am miles ... MILES from an "elite" player, I play the objective and I play for fun.

    You're the problem in the community, calling MAXes "CANCER COSTUMES" and you need a good long look in the mirror to sort yourself out.

    You're welcome back anytime if you'd like to apologise and recant your previous abusive statements.


    MAX Main, Connery, Generally a nice guy.