Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Moumoulle, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Weylin

    Sick of this god damn bug.

    Had an engineer on me.
    Ambushed a lone enemy using AI rotary and AA Burster.
    He turns around.
    I'm still shooting and seeing hits register.
    Kills the engineer behind me.
    I'm still hitting him, shots are showing red criticals.
    Kills me with a LMG, no explosives.
    His shields were down and his health was at 50%.

    I'm sorry, but WHAT THE ****?
    He was half way across the room, so I couldn't very well just punch him, could I?
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  2. Sifer2

    Unless they changed it in a patch in recent months it was a weak flaccid two hit melee kill with a slow swing. Only time I remember ever killing a dude with it was some guy trying to hide behind a teleporter. Had no where to run so I made him my prison ***** lol.

    As for the deadzone. It's because the bullets come out of the MAX guns on both wrists an they are far apart. So there is a dead zone right in the middle between them.
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  3. Weylin

    I can understand if I need to turn sideways or something, but the problem is i keep registering hits, yet no damage is dealt.
    The arms should really be converging on what you're shooting, though.

    3rd person would be nice as well, because there is a very annoying discrepancy between the guns that you see, and how they are positioned in the world. To clarify, the path for a gun can look completely clear, but it will hit the side of a door anyways.
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  4. Olek

    If I can bend my arm across my body to try and hit a player with my fist, then there should be no reason that the dual weapons can not be turned inwards when firing at a close target.
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  5. Ashnal

    So basically you guys want your arm weapons to zero in on whatever is in your crosshairs automatically? Kinda like how the reaver already does vertically with its nosegun? Tons of pilots have *****ed about that for quite some time because it throws off their aim.

    Dunno about you guys, but I see this as a legitimate weakness to the max unit that can be compensated for with skill. All it takes is lining up your close target onto one of the right or left lines and fire the right or left weapon and you will hit.

    If you want to see this convergence thing in action to better understand it, it is most noticeable with dual falcons. They fire a bit apart, but at about 75m or so they cross trajectories. It is much harder to hit infantry with the falcons than any other (NC) max weapon because they converge at a much farther point than the other weapons.
  6. FlayvorOfEvil

    That's when you go into Seed Mode, pull out your beam sabers and destroy everything. Or just punch them.
  7. Larington

    I've never pulled off a MAX punch that instant kills anyone at full health and lately my MAX punches have been refusing to even connect, I'm really not sure why I even try anymore.
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  8. Weylin

    I don't think I've ever managed to make a punch hit either, even though the player was within range to do so.

    This glitch gets exploited to hell and back every time I see a MAX in use, or use one myself.
    Making a habit of just dashing away in any 1 on 1 encounter.

    Why does the MAX even need a 20+ minute cooldown when it's so easily killed or avoided?
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  9. Kastrenzo

    you're going to get your thread locked if you keep doing this. bumping is against the forum guidelines
  10. DJPenguin

    noticed there's a "dead zone" with bursters as well. had a tank busting lib tried to get in real close to take me out and as i was returning fire my shots weren't registering at all.
  11. Olek

    I don't think this is the problem, if it was convergence, then at some point the rounds would be crossing over, after this it would become divergence , Not far beyond this point you would hit nothing in your crosshairs.

    A closer target would require the MAX to turn the arms in slightly, however this is not possible with the games mechanics so it must be assumed that this happens automatically.
  12. Falcou

    Speaking of MAX bugs. I don't know if this is an old one or not but have you noticed getting hit by a rocket launcher before the actual rocket hits you and then it goes right through you?
  13. SgtBreastroker

    I **** slapped a TR Medic with the MAX today and earned my first MAX punch kill.
  14. Zaik

    You know, I've tried to exploit this bug on a number of occasions. I can limit it so that only one arm can hit me and still shoot you, but I can't avoid both.
  15. PixelPunk

    Yesterday, I caught a LA with his pants down, started pumping shotgun shells at his back.

    Watched him startle at the sudden noise of massive shotguns blazing behind him.
    Watched him slowly turn towards me and jetpack up.
    Started reloading after firing a total of 24x6 bullets at torso.

    He was hovering 1m above my head.
    Tried to jump and slap his legs, but the hit didn't register.
    Watched him lol a brick of C4 at me.
    Tried to crawl away as my charge was on cooldown.

    Was finally done with the 5 year long reload time.
    Shot about 6 more shells at his back as he was jetpacking away.
    C4 blew me up after he passed the corner.

    His shields weren't even down after the encounter.
  16. †Ashley†

    Close range as max doesn't work for me at all. A specific distance and my bullets just start going through people completely, shamefully i've even used this issue to kill plenty of max's on my own at close range. If you keep our of punching distance but really close, they simply can't hit you at all. Unless it's an NC max, then you just instantly die.
  17. Thardus

    That's a bug? I thought it meant to be there. Makes sense, it's not as if MAX suits fire from the middle of their chest.
  18. †Ashley†

    Its still a bit odd if you ask me. A unit that whole design is for close range combat can't do well... close range.. at all.
  19. Thardus

    I dunno, I always just saw it as getting between the MAX's arms. It's not a winning tactic, but it'll hopefully delay your death by a second or so.
  20. †Ashley†

    Still, like i said it doesn't change the fact that it ruins the whole concept of the class. And some of the ranges it happens its really not getting between the arms at all. It usually doesn't happen at very close range, but a little bit further away and they simply can't hit you.