I just want to hear peoples opinion on it. I think that the Mattock is better, but I only used that in the VR. Also: I would really like a RoF buff for the Hacksaw, but with one less pellet.
This is me just speaking from VR testing, but I really preferred the Mattock over all of the other options. The RoF reduction on the Hacksaw really took some shine out of it, and the Mattock is even better at range than before, it doesn't even need slugs.
Grinders are the best option now. Mattocks were awful before the nerf and they're even worse now, 112 damage pellets don't cut it.
I've been playing with the Mattock without slugs the last couple of days on and off, I'm going to try the Scattercannon's next. From some VR testing, I still found the Scats better up close - once it gets to 15m+ I didn't notice any difference. If you're going to go Hacksaw - make sure you have 1000 certs to spec extended mags, IMO they're essential (even more so since the nerf) for the Hacksaw. They're not as necessary for the Mattock/Scatter and the slow down of the fire rate has given you more control over ammo conservation but you still will overkill your targets significantly more often with the Hacksaw and wasting ammo while the reload is significantly longer.
I tested out kinda all of theses weapons lately since the nerfs, and i think the best now is Mattock. The ROF nerf from the hacksaw is not a + anymore, since you can almost shoot as fast with the semi-auto, the minimum damage from pellet reduced to 50 is BAD in long range, try to kill a max in 10meters, you will fail with haxsaw, and you will with Mattocks, the faster velocity of the mattocks, and the spread is way better, so in 20 meters, you can still in 3 volley (6 ammos) kill an infantry, since with others, you need all your 20 ammos lol. The scatt is a hacksaw with no positive at all, the hacksaw maybe can do alot of damage against max in 5m of less.... this is the only +, the grinder has 2 ammos more in each loaders, but the lack of accuracy and stupid spread in long range is rediculous, if you plan to kill things after 5m, its hard with this, for me it happens sometimes that i need to kill things in CQC in 15+ meters... and this weapons sucks at it, if you can manage and dont shoot like a ******, you can do well with 10 ammo per magasine. Then if you plan to use slugs, mattocks again,since the accuracy is better, try it, in different range, you will notice the difference!... in my opinion mattocks is the only option now... mattocks = 112 damage per pellet, hacksaw/grinder/scatt= 134... in close range arround 5m, you will instakill infantry with every weapons, and kill max with one reload in 5 also...but the thighter spread of the mattocks, make this weapon a beast even in med range for a shotgun....best all arround weapon: Mattocks
Scattercannons are still really good IMO, I don't have them with extended mags but they still ****. But you can only realistically kill 2 or three guys before having to reload with the scats without ext mags.
I switched to grinders, hacksaw ROF nerf is a bit too much. I can click faster with semi autos then the hacksaws current ROF, they need to up it by 50-100
I'D like to know what grinders has that others dont ? The only + is +2 ammo on each loader, and thats it, everything is worst, loading, accuracy, spread, cof, bloom
Dual hacksaws are still pretty good against infrantry. BUT they suck really bad against other maxes. Only way to kill another max is with extended and 80% of your pellets have to hit on every shot. Since the cof of the shottie is bad they have to be 2feet or less in front of you. Against any non brain dead player in a max you will lose since you have to reload and reloading is super slow. When i see other maxes i charge out of there now which is sad.