You need courage for playing h1z1 two month, first time i log into the game a guy was following me everywhere yelling in proxi chat " i'm going to F you, i'm going to F you...". The sad part is it was the most "normal" guy i find in this game...
Yeah, the well known players will never leave. They need this game to polish their ep33n and validate their existence, no point moving onto something with some sort of challenge or where your opponent can actually counter you and have a chance to kill you when you can pwn in a custom made farming simulator. Those 300+/0 kill streaks really show what they are capable of. Entering mind boggling over anyone still playing this title mode and free for 6 months now happiness.
It's okay now. This is a safe place. Show us on the doll where MattiAce and the other Br100s touched you.
but you are one of them. get away from him. oh wait, I am too. On topic: Watching this vid I'd say matti hasn't lost his touch. He is still good.
I agree, but my confusion is, why has he forgotten so many things about the game so quickly? He played mostly ESF for 2 years then takes 2 months off and can't remember if two airlocks kill or not? Or what lumifiber is??? Do you think he's putting on? I can't imagine he actually forgot that much so quickly.
just another TR gang... when i see those guys i just crashing into ground, and have no reason to fly anymore...