
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DARKIDER, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Sock

    E-mpal is a hacker. Everyone knows that.
  2. Littleman

    Okay, fine, so The Enclave kind of pile drived the server right into the treatment facility and totally ruined the equipment. To beat the Enclave, other outfits had to rise up to meet them, but they came a little late. Mind, whatever the NC tried to put together never made it onto the tarmac, let alone took off, which is actually still pretty damn good by their standards.
  3. Pandorf

    If you may or may not have noticed, the TR have been winning more alerts recently. In fact, the alert that just ended, the TR won with the lowest world and continent pop.

    Leading AOD to victory!
  4. Devrailis

    Belle SolTech. :(
  5. deggy

    It was a good server. Small, but good.

    Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if they hadn't merged us.
  6. Devrailis

    VS would have stayed friendly and zergy.

    TR would have stayed out-popped, out-gunned but never out-played.

    NC would have been...

    Actually, NC would have been about the same as it is right now. ;)
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  7. deggy

    SolTech was actually pretty pop-even, though VS-heavy at times, especially late at night. I think that's where Mattherson's 3AM VS spikes came from.

    That or I'm just viewing my old server through rose-tinted glasses.
  8. Trudriban

    I remember way back when I was still playing TR, all the main outfits planned to make one giant co-ordinated strike to take Indar from the VS. We never did take it but it was the first time any of us saw a queue and we reached 45% continent pop during primetime. Ah, good days...
  9. Devrailis

    It started off really really VS heavy because of the Magrider whine. After it got nerfed, the VS pop tanked until the server pop was roughly even with VS pop having a slight advantage in off hours.

    Sometimes NC had long stretches of pop advantage too but were never really able to leverage it.

    TR tended to always stay under-popped on our server, but they had an extremely tight core of skilled players (Vertebrae, Mustarde, BackdoorDoug, PatCleburn, Cyanstorm etc...), so once you backed them into a wall, you were always in for a lot of pain.

    It was kind of hard to tell the overall effect of the population sometimes because... regardless of pop, everyone was trying to zerg the Crown anyway, hehehe.
  10. Trudriban

    *PTSD flashbacks*
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  11. Pat22

    Zerging Regent Rock like... well... like a zergfit
    That base is ridiculous to attack.
  12. deggy

    I remember that! The VS held Indar for weeks on end because we'd hold at Howling Pass, Scarred Mesa, and the factilites right next to the Gate.

    This was, of course, before you could be robbed of a lock by having <25% control.

    I don't think I've ever seen VS Command get along that well before or since. We were ON THE BALL.
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  13. Xien

    vOv I haven't really logged in for days.

    Let the VS numbers continue to rise... ere long they will be crying about how they can't get fights.
  14. Littleman

    This was done because packing all 666 members of one empire into a single building demanded another empire to bring 666 of their own to to have a chance of winning, and that concentration of people was bringing the server to it's knees.

    Of course, after that, the VS summarily capped Indar in the middle of the night, a few more days of proud attempts to wrest it from them again (a few successful) but every morning the VS would have Indar back.

    After that point, no one gave a f***, except the VS, until they realized even they didn't give a f*** because no one else gave a f***.

    Such is the lament of those that will stoop to unsportsmanlike methods to "win."
  15. GoEErs

    I tried to warn everyone several weeks ago that the TR would be back. I was playing NC on Briggs and decided to join at least 30 of my Briggs buds to go TR on Mattherson. We now play Mattherson TR exclusively. We have all found homes of some sorts in different outfits from the 903rd(An awesome group of guys and gals), MastersWinners(I just got an invite today), and several others.

    I do see quit a few BR 100 Vanu on Mattherson. I have also seen the Vanu and NC coordinate attacks against the TR even when they were severely outnumbered. We have fought hard over the last few weeks and have seen a large number of players swing to our aid. Many have chosen to stay and fight for the TR.

    The fight is anew. Gear up my fellow TR. Payback is at hand.:p Also, I like EMAPLE bacon with my eggs and toast:D
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  16. Sledgecrushr

    We need more players.
  17. GoEErs

    We need no love on any weapons platforms. To hell with that. We'll use what we have. I don't want any excuses when we kick the &*^% out of you guys. I just don't like Vanu much. Sneaky bunch of night attackers. You guys smell too:p
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  18. GoEErs

    BuzzCutPsycho was their leader right? I've seen a few of his videos on YouTube reviewing the TMG-50. Pretty cool stuff.
  19. Mustang

    Hey we won an alert the other day, it was great!
  20. Vhalor

    We did win an alert yesterday or the day before... was a nice change.

    TR pop has been consistently ~10% below the other empires' populations for a while now. Not really sure how SOE could fix it though. I think it's up to players on the other empires/servers to switch over and help a hurting faction, rofl.